The most difficult thing for a person – is to convince yourself of something. And no matter what it is: an obsessive thought or a bad habit, fears, anxieties, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, weak willpower get in the way. We may think that our brain can only be trained: to study sciences, languages, solve logical problems. And what about our mental sphere? After all, it also needs to be trained, to carefully monitor your emotional health. A constant sounding song does not give rest in the head, or annoying thoughts keep spinning and ruining life. Either you worry because of the fear that the kettle was not turned off or the apartment was forgotten to be closed, the light was left on or the fear of getting into a car accident. All these thoughts do not allow you to calmly and sensibly think about situations, solve problems and achieve success in life.

What are intrusive thoughts?

As the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle says: Fear makes people think. And this is true as soon as our thin soul strings and subconsciousness capture a strong emotional overstrain, which bites into our brain so much that various phobias arise. We become afraid of doing something wrong, of being ridiculed or punished for our actions. Entire carriages of thoughts come to mind, sometimes it is very difficult to control this flow, and sometimes it is impossible. It seems that it is not subject to our will, bad thoughts completely surround and lead us astray from the right path of reflection. Think for yourself how many times when you can’t complete a task or solve a problem, you scroll through the dialogue with yourself, mentally reproach yourself for your inferiority, ignorance, underdevelopment, get angry, afraid to do it wrong. Such thoughts only lead your thoughts to a false path, do not allow you to see the rational grain in the situation, and anger grows more and more, time is running out. And then, comes disappointment with oneself and the desire to find out where these unpleasant and such annoying obsessive thoughts come from? And most importantly: how & nbsp; get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Psychologists believe that obsessive thoughts – this is a neurotic disorder – neurosis or a syndrome of obsessive thoughts. This disorder is characterized by obsessive states, thoughts – obsessions and corresponding behavior of – compulsions. In fact, many people quickly and painlessly cope with such a misunderstanding between a person and the psyche, while others require the help of a psychotherapist. Obsessive thoughts can be associated with diseases, disasters, death, dirt, not ideality. Coping with the slightest obsessive thought is sometimes difficult, but possible. Before you scourge yourself and go to a psychiatric clinic for help, pull yourself together and try to figure out how to get rid of obsessive thoughts on your own, and we will help you with this.  

Instructions and tips on how to get rid of obsessive thoughts

An elaborate system, a step-by-step guide to deal with the flow of obsessive thoughts and remove yourself from their influence.

Fear is not in danger at all, it is in us – said Stendhal,  French writer. To understand the causes of fear, take one day to complete the guide and everything will work out. The main reason for the appearance of annoying thoughts – it is fear: before people, society, mom, dad, one's soul, death. We are afraid to give ourselves discomfort, and when we experience it, our thoughts try more and more often to "secure" us. from this. Say NO to intrusive thoughts and start the fight.

Instructions for managing your thoughts and emotions

  1. Change the strategy of perceiving these thoughts – to the all-in method. Turn not your back to the annoying murmur and fear, but your face, take them for granted, as one step on the path to improvement. Believe me, when the attitude towards these thoughts changes, it will become much easier for you to find a way to get rid of it. As soon as a thought comes to mind, like: Did I turn off the iron? I can't do it because I can't. Find the positive aspects in them: if I think about it, then it is this quality that is worth developing: attentiveness or the ability to analyze, memory. Say "thank you" to yourself for a hint. Thus, learn from each such thought. Set aside a day for such an analysis, and write down the lessons learned on paper.
  2. Next step – as soon as a sticky thought arises that you can’t get rid of, calm down, take a comfortable position, take a pen and a piece of paper. Close your eyes and let your thoughts flow without forcing or fighting them. Then, quietly opening your eyes, write them down on paper. It can be arguments or internal dialogue, censures or thoughts like: what if… When the sheet is filled, turn on slow soothing music and read what you wrote. It will not seem as scary and terrible, hopeless as it really is. We read it, we learned a lesson: we ourselves inflate the situation. Now you can defiantly tear, burn or throw away this paper and thought at the same time.
  3. Dig into your memory and determine which picture in front of your eyes causes a storm of only positive emotions, emotion and cheer up. Found? Now, with every flash of obsessive thoughts, turn on sleep mode and scroll through this picture or situation, so you are distracted and you can just forget what you thought about before.
  4. When unwanted and annoying thoughts swarm in the brain, think about it, maybe this is a reaction to a hidden meaning. For example, you should learn English, words or constructions, grammar exercises. And the reluctance to do this causes other thoughts, there are beliefs that a person will not be able to complete the task or learn the words. Hidden meaning in plain sight, find it and use point 1 – change your attitude and believe in yourself.

Advice for those who need to control their thoughts

  • Find the true cause of such thoughts, what you are really afraid of: death, pain, fire. Try to live with it, fighting will only make things worse. Rise above fear – here is your task.
  • When you first analyze your thoughts, you will feel uncomfortable, ashamed, uncomfortable. But this is all temporary, as soon as you find reasons to get rid of them, you will feel relieved.
  • Be ready for a new attack of obsessive thoughts, don't be scared and do everything from the beginning, be ready to fight back.

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