Пожелтели ногти: чем это вызвано и что делать

Nail condition — one of the & nbsp; many "points", which pays the closest attention to a woman who watches her appearance. And her experience tells her what to do in a given situation. Delamination and  fragility of the nail plates — time to take your vitamins. Fragility of nails — you need to add strengthening hand baths to the care program.

But when she notices that her nails have turned yellow, it often causes bewilderment: what could be the cause of this condition and how to handle it.

Yellowing nails: external causes of staining

Yellowness of the nail plates can be caused by external circumstances:

  • Smoking. In this case, yellowing of the nails is observed only on the  hand — the one you hold your cigarette in.

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  • Unprotected contact with  household chemicals. Washing dishes, cleaning plumbing, removing stains from your favorite dress — if you do this without household gloves, your nails can change not only their color, but also the structure. They become loose and break easily.

  • Nail polish. In this case, it is not necessary to use yellow or orange polish to change the color of the nails. The composition of the varnish of any color may include yellow pigments or substances that turn yellow when in contact with the keratins of the nails. This usually happens when using low-quality products or with increased nail permeability and unwillingness to use a base product that isolates the chemical compounds of the varnish from the nail plate.

For such reasons for changing the color of the nails, the solutions are quite simple: eliminate what causes the yellowing of the nail plate, and the question will be settled. To speed up the nail repair process, natural "bleachers" such as lemon juice can be used.

Read also: Home nail care complete guide

Yellowness of nails: internal causes and their symptoms

Unfortunately, nails can change under the influence of various factors related to our health or some "internal" factors. circumstances.

Taking certain medications

Antibiotics of the tetracycline and quinolone series, retinols and other drugs can cause pigmentation not only of the nails, but also of the skin, teeth, and sclera. If you and have been taking medication for some time, yellowing of the nails may be caused by this circumstance.

Drug pigmentation rarely extends to the entire nail and usually presents as transverse yellow streaks that "mark" start and completion of the drug.

Fungal diseases of the nails

Onychomycosis — very common group of diseases. They most often develop on the feet, but the nails of the hands are not immune from fungal infections. It is generally accepted that "fungal" nails become dark. But in fact they can take on any color — it depends on what pigments you work with most often. So, after rubbing carrots on a grater, the nail may retain an orange tint for several days, as the fungus makes the nail plate loose and porous, which allows it to absorb various substances, including pigments.

The fungus rarely affects all nails at the same time, and pigmentation will be observed only on one or two. At the same time, the nail plates affected by the fungus become dull, depressions and tubercles appear on them, and without treatment, the nail begins to thicken, becomes bumpy.

Diseases of internal organs

Some diseases can change the color of the skin and nails even at the stage when you do not feel unwell. Therefore, noticing the yellowing of the nails and not finding other explanations for this phenomenon, be sure to visit a doctor. Such a symptom may indicate the development of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and a number of metabolic disorders.

Read also: Metabolic disorders: how to identify and solve the problem

If the completion of the reception of "coloring" drug itself solves the problem, then with other "internal" reasons for the yellowness of the nails, you should consult a doctor.

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What to do if nails change color

After special studies, the specialist will determine the type of fungal infection (if this is the reason) and prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is important not to use the recommendations of friends and relatives who have cured the "exactly" same fungus with a certain drug. Depending on the type of fungus, it may be sensitive to one or another active substance, and this can only be determined by a doctor.

In the case of diseases of the internal organs, the doctor also has the last word.

After a full course of treatment and elimination of the cause of the yellowness of the nails, you will be able to breathe a sigh of relief: your nails are beautiful again, and your health is safe.

Read also: Nail care secrets from Hollywood masters

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