Приступы панической атаки: признаки и методы контроля

Panic attacks are said to be — this is an extremely rare occurrence, but, according to statistics, approximately 5% of people suffer from them, with the vast majority — young people at the age of 20-30 years. Most often, the disorder occurs in women. Panic attacks happen for no reason. At such moments, the body releases an increased amount of adrenaline into the blood, and the person loses control of himself. This can and must be fought. The editors of estet-portal.com offer to learn how to identify seizures and control them.

Causes and  typical signs of panic disorder

In the list of causes of panic attacks — stress, vegetovascular dystonia, heart problems, diseases of the central nervous system, clinical depression. In some cases, seizures are provoked by the use of stimulants — coffee, energy drinks. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, so you should seek medical help.

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Panic disorder is characterized by a range of symptoms. The most common ones are:

  • Excessive sweating. The body is covered with cold sweat. Often a person begins to feel chills.

  • Tremor. Hands tremble, knees may give way.

  • Feeling of unreality of what is happening. The environment is seen as in haze. It seems to a person that events do not with him.

  • Pre-fainting. Dizzy, nauseating, sounds distorted.

  • Sharp fears.During a panic attack, uncontrollable fear appears — death, insanity, loss of control.

  • Difficulty focusing eyes. Becomes difficult to keep eyes on one object.

  • Heart palpitations. The heart begins to pound, as if in danger, at the same time blood pressure rises.

  • Sleep disturbances. Panic attacks can also happen while sleep. Then the person wakes up from the feeling of falling, is horrified because of the dreamed images. There may be fear of falling asleep.

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Panic disorder can manifest itself in many different ways. Some people are afraid to enter the metro, others are afraid of global catastrophes, and it is unbearable for someone to think about simply swallowing food. Attacks reinforce old fears and form new ones, but they can be prevented and controlled. The main thing is to set yourself such a goal.

Read also: Panic Attacks: Drive the Panic Away

Methods for managing a panic attack

When a seizure occurs, the person is not aware of what caused the panic. Because of the gripping fear, it is difficult for him to analyze the reasons, but this is not necessary to bring the condition under control. You should do the following:

  1. Regulate breathing. During an attack, the rhythm of breathing goes astray. It becomes fast, uneven. This leads to a violation of gas exchange in the lungs. To stabilize breathing, you need to press any container (bag, plastic cup or at least folded palms) to your mouth and nose and breathe into it. A few slow breaths will help you gain control of your body.

  2. Switch attention. To get distracted, just shift your gaze to some external object. For example, you can look into the window and count the trees. By concentrating on something external, you can get rid of depersonalization and feel a connection with reality.

  3. Stop or sit down. Less movement — less panic. Try to stop in place and not move. If possible, sit down.

  4. Speak up. Any passer-by — potential savior. Talk to him to get rid of the feeling of helplessness and loneliness. It will bring you back to reality, help you feel secure.

  5. Repeat to yourself that the attack will pass now. Mentally calm yourself, say that this is just an attack, it will pass, and nothing terrible will happen.

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If a panic attack has happened to one of your loved ones, or you see that a stranger needs help, use these same methods. Take the hands of the person, talk to them, calm down, give a bag to restore breathing.

Read also: How to deal with anxiety disorder: the opinion of a psychotherapist

Preventive measures: 4 helpful tips

It is in your power to reduce the number of seizures. Try to follow these guidelines:

  1. Be active. Physical inactivity kills, and when you exercise, you get doses of endorphins that help fight depression. In addition, you train your breathing.

  2. Keep stress under control. Learn to calmly respond to troubles, master the practice of meditation, relax.

  3. Stop coffee.

  4. Forget alcohol. Alcohol makes panic disorder symptoms worse.

If your seizures started after you started taking a new medication, be sure to talk to your doctor. Perhaps the medicine is simply contraindicated for you.

Read also: 5 myths about panic attacks

Highlights on fighting panic attacks

To take control of your life, follow these tips:

  • Learn how to calm down. Keep a paper bag or disposable cup with you at all times.

  • Keep bad habits.Alcohol and coffee provoke seizures.

  • Keep an active lifestyle. Walk, work out at the gym. Everything that trains the respiratory system and gives you the release of endorphins is useful for you.

  • Learn to be calm. There are many troubles in life. If you worry about each one, nervous breakdowns are guaranteed. Relax.

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Don't underestimate panic attacks. They can signal  serious health problems, so a visit to doctor will not be superfluous.

Read also: How to deal with panic attacks: 12 effective ways

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