
Signs of a sociopath: how to protect yourself from his influence

At first glance, a person – as a person, no different from the rest. Moreover, he is often smart, open, charismatic – straight, the soul of the company! He is not there, and everyone is bored: where is our merry wit, cheerful, handsome man, who will find an approach to everyone and will not ignore anyone? It is hard to believe that a potential psychiatrist's patient can be hidden behind a mask woven from exclusively positive traits. will tell you about the signs of a sociopath: how not to fall for his bait and how to behave with such people.

Who is a sociopath, what are the causes of pathology?

Sociopath – this is an individual, completely devoid of a sense of responsibility, conscience, shame. This is, in short. If you dig deeper, looking into the scientific jungle, you can find out something interesting about your own, that is, human development. So, there are two versions of the emergence of sociopathy. First: upbringing, social environment, children's psychological traumas are to blame. Second: a genetic defect is to blame. Pundits talk about two forms of human existence from birth: on the one hand, this is a biological, the most intelligent creature on Earth. On the other – a social being, that is, living not in the desert in splendid isolation, but in society with its inherent material, spiritual culture. Therefore, the sapiens genome is characterized by, pardon the tautology, humanity, which has been instilled in it for millennia.<

BLOCKCODE: Seemingly exceptionally handsome at first, sooner or later will exhibit antisocial behavior. The rights of fellow citizens, social norms, rules for him – empty sound. Such a subject can cross any line, because they simply do not exist for him.

In a modern individual, the body and

nervous system are formed adapted to socialization. That is, there should be no rejection of the need to learn something, to live, obeying certain moral standards. Sociopaths – people with a genetic disorder that occurred at conception. The very humanity that was mentioned above, and which has been fixed in the human genome for centuries, is not formed in a sociopath due to a genetic disorder. Therefore, who at first seemed exceptionally handsome, sooner or later will show antisocial behavior.

How to recognize an antisocial individual: signs of a sociopath

Rights of fellow citizens, social norms, rules for him – empty sound. Such a subject can cross any line, because they simply do not exist for him. And he will never feel guilty, no matter what he does! And he can do a lot, up to murder.

    Narcissism, narcissism, inflated conceit. The unacceptability of criticism in his address, the thirst for praise – one of the hallmarks of a sociopath. He needs recognition, admiration from others like air. That is why such persons often become the "highlights" in the company. They consider themselves the smartest, the most beautiful, the most talented - sometimes for no reason at all. We are sure that they deserve the best, that they have the right to everything – to own everything they want, even people.
  1. Disrespect for laws, moral standards. Hence frequent offenses, arrests.
  2. Lack of true friends. A lot of dependent personalities, fans – The charming manipulator has a lot of this, but real friends – no.
  3. Indifference, lack of empathy. Since such feelings as love, sympathy, sympathy, empathy, pity are unknown to a sociopath, it is problematic for him to build close relationships. Nor does he care about the suffering of others.
  4. Passion for manipulation, intimidation. A characteristic sign of a sociopath – the desire to be a leader, to rule over the weak. Pushing people together, destroying marriages, provoking conflict situations – pull the strings, manipulating others.
  5. Aggression, irritability, inability to control one's emotions. Flash like a match for any occasion – a common thing for an asocial type. He can torture defenseless animals, weak people, or kick angrily at the wall.
  6. Lack of embarrassment, embarrassment. As a result - a constant lie, betrayal, the desire to humiliate, suppress, mock others in every possible way.
  7. Frequent change of behavior: today – the charm itself, the mountains are ready to roll, tomorrow – coldness, indifference.
  8. Hypocrisy, deceit. He pretended to be a poor sheep, deceived for his own benefit – signs of a sociopath on the face.
  9. Passion for taking unnecessary risks, ignoring the safety of both others and one's own.
  10. Quick satiety, thirst for new experiences, which is hidden behind the mask of a versatile personality.
  11. Problems with obedience to the mode of operation, obligations.
  12. Violence (physical, psychological, sexual, financial), cruelty to animals.
  13. Calmness in difficult situations. Where any reasonable person would be covered in sweat or stupor, the sociopath remains unnaturally calm.
  14. Complete lack of regret for the deed, for the harm caused to others.
  15. Inability, unwillingness to learn from one's mistakes, which speaks of immaturity, cleverly hidden under the mask of charisma, charm.
  16. Inadequate actions without thinking about the consequences.
Signs of a sociopath, if the personality is inadequate, sooner or later will definitely appear. The main thing is not to be skeptical about them and not to think that antisocial acts are an accident and everything will pass. Be careful if you see the signs listed above in someone you know. It is better to protect yourself by excluding communication with such a creature.


How to deal with a sociopath to protect yourself from his influence

One of the characteristics of a sociopath – charm,  charisma, an exceptional mind, so getting rid of his charms and influence is difficult. But to do this, no matter how difficult it is, is necessary. You can't change a sociopath. You need to act like this:

    It is better to stay away from such people. If you realize too late who you are dealing with, and he is already nearby, try… stay away literally – move as far away from him as possible. Take the first opportunity and run. In the meantime, this is not possible…
  • …turn into the essence of boredom. A sociopath hates boredom, so he may leave you.
  • Keep calm, be unemotional, it's better to keep quiet. Or talk incessantly about everything in a row, constantly changing topics, not allowing an inadequate counterpart to insert a word. But be careful not to irritate him with your behavior.
  • Do not try to exhort, appeal to conscience (it is not there – this is one of the main signs of a sociopath), pity, point out that he is wrong.
  • You shouldn't fight such a person alone. Enlist the support of a strong person in every sense – such anti-social types fear.
  • If you find signs of a sociopath in someone you know, start to gradually end the relationship: avoid places where you can meet; answer calls after one, then after two, later block the number. If the person is persistent, threaten the police. The only thing that such individuals are really afraid of is that they can be stopped, – threat of severe punishment.
  • Learn to say no. The one who has nothing to profit from is not interesting to the sociopath.
  • There is a special case when getting rid of an unpleasant type of society is not possible (for example, he is your boss or parent). In this case, you need to be guided by the following: always be on the alert, control your emotions, show indifference to his words, hide your plans, do something important for you in his absence, refuse his help (to eliminate dependence), smile. This will make it clear that you are in complete control of the situation, extremely confident in yourself, you cannot be manipulated.
One of the characteristics of a sociopath – charm,  charisma, an exceptional mind, so getting rid of his charms and influence is difficult. But to do this, no matter how difficult it is, is necessary. You can't change a sociopath.

It is not possible to rid the world of anti-social individuals, but one can learn to recognize and avoid them. This is for your safety.

Read also:

Borderline personality disorder: signs, causes and treatment of the disease

  • Comments (1)

    02 августа 2017, 09:20

    к сожалению, с опозданием распознала одну социопатку в своём рабочем окружении... пришлось сильно пострадать. теперь стараюсь держаться как можно дальше, насколько это возможно ! Действительно, страшные люди!

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