Almost every woman, sooner or later, has to revise her nutrition system. After all, whatever one may say, even those who do not gain weight in their youth, eating whatever they want, with age, nevertheless, they have to approach food selectively. This also applies to the usefulness of products, and the amount of food consumed. Sometimes you can’t cope with your food needs and you have to resort to tricks: use products to reduce appetite. What do you need to eat to keep your figure slim? We find out with

Types of Appetite Reducing Products

There are types of products that perform the function of some reduction in appetite and control over it:

  • foods that reduce the need for food due to their nutritional properties (the body is satiated faster and you have to eat less); 
  • foods that work by filling the stomach (rich in fiber, which swells in the stomach, thereby filling it).

The first type includes: all kinds of nuts, bananas, cottage cheese, oatmeal, dried fruits (instead of sweets). If you start your day with boiled eggs, then you can easily hold out until lunch.

The second type includes: all types of cabbage (white, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Savoy, Brussels sprouts, broccoli), beans, peas, lentils, raw and stewed vegetables.


Additional ways to reduce appetite

You can reduce your food intake by drinking a glass of water as soon as you feel hungry. This will dampen your appetite for half an hour, and if you drink a glass of warm enough water, then for a couple of hours.

Be sure to include in your diet vegetable soups based on green vegetables, celery, pumpkin. Soups and broths fill the stomach faster, so the feeling of fullness from food comes much sooner than from second courses. Moreover, the calorie content of such food is much less.

If you're worried about eating a lot at dinner, you can allow yourself to eat an apple 30 minutes before your meal. An apple is rich in fiber, so you will eat 15% less portion than you normally would during a meal.

Half of an avocado fruit will reduce your appetite for half a day, as this product is digested for a long time.


Try using red pepper as a seasoning for some dishes, ¼ teaspoon per serving, it allows you to get enough of the body much faster.

If the body requires sweets, try to treat it with two – three slices of bitter dark chocolate. It will definitely not harm you, especially since this product stimulates brain activity well.

Ginger tea also copes well with the problem of hunger, it should be drunk before meals, 20-30 minutes before. In addition, it speeds up the metabolism well.


Iodine-rich foods, especially seaweed, sea fish, and other seafood help normalize metabolism. The body switches to the correct mode – I want to eat less.

What should be eliminated from the diet to reduce appetite?

It is generally better to exclude such dressings for food as ketchup and mayonnaise from the diet. There are not many useful substances there, but on the contrary, they excite appetite.

Alcoholic drinks are also the enemy of a good figure. Since drinking alcohol stimulates digestion, you want to eat more and more. Not without reason  there is a tradition to drink a glass of wine as an aperitif, thereby stimulating the appetite.

And finally: to reduce the feeling of hunger, you need to follow a diet. You need to eat not three times a day, but five, ideally six times, every 2-3 hours in small portions. Alternate regular meals with small healthy snacks. In this case, you do not run the risk of greedily pouncing on food and eating everything, because you haven’t eaten for a long time and earned a “wolf”; appetite.

Eat regularly and properly with

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