Профилактика эмоционального выгорания: топ-5 советов от экспертов

Traditionally, heavy activities are considered to be those activities that are associated with physical exertion or danger to life. However, office work can become a real test and even lead to psychosomatic illnesses. And & nbsp; everything is to blame for emotional burnout & nbsp; & mdash; the scourge of modernity, about which psychologists never tire of warning.

What kind of attack is and exists whether there effective prevention of emotional burnoutwill be discussed in this article.

  • What is burnout: symptoms 
  • Risk zone: who is at risk of burnout at work
  • Burnout Prevention: 5 Effective Tips From  Business Coaches
What is burnout: symptoms 

For the first time this term was introduced into psychology in 1974 by the American psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberger. He proposed to single out into a general group and combine under one definition the totality of symptoms with which his patients came. This is how this definition appeared, which has been heard more and more lately.

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What characterizes emotional burnout? First of all — loss of interest in & nbsp; their activities, distancing from & nbsp; colleagues. Then comes a period of complete indifference to both  current tasks, and to their position at work in general. A burnt-out employee doesn't really care what happens to him next. He will not be frightened by dismissal or demotion. Rather, he will take it as a long-awaited exit and an opportunity to change jobs.

Read also: Sedentary lifestyle: how not to get fat in office


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Short-term rest does not bring relief, on the contrary, it only emphasizes the reluctance to go to work. The feeling of constant fatigue and apathy does not go away, aggression and irritability appear, a bad mood is already difficult to control. In severe cases, neuralgic pain,

insomnia, weight loss may appear.

Risk zone: who is at risk of burnout at work

It used to be that burnout prevention is needed for those who, on duty, have to contact with a large number of people. Doctors, teachers, social workers, all those who need to quickly understand someone else's problem and offer an effective solution. Pass through yourself daily the experiences of hundreds of people — a huge burden for the psyche.

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Now emotional burnout can threaten everyone. This is because in society there is a high demand for professionals, who also enjoy their work. Trainings, workshops, team building... an entire industry has been created to encourage employees to work better, more efficiently, with maximum efficiency. Responsible employees, perfectionists, workaholics, and just decent people who are accustomed to doing everything on "5" fall into the  zone of risk, since it is very difficult to consistently give a good result.


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Emotional burnout can occur after a long period of stress associated with excessive workload. This is the sin of some managers, who happily overwhelm a responsible and purposeful employee with a mass of urgent tasks. And & nbsp; the specialist, who yesterday brilliantly solved the most complex tasks, today looks at the monitor with an extinct look. This is because no one will be able to work at the limit of their strength for a long time. And the greater the load, the sooner the burnout will occur.

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What is most unpleasant, emotional burnout threatens just the most enterprising, purposeful, ambitious. That is, those who just push the business forward, make a profit, offer new and interesting solutions. Those who burn out burn out. The rest, serving from call to call, are not subject to this syndrome, they initially do not care. Common in  anamnesis of all those who applied with symptoms of emotional burnout — absolute delight from his activities

at the beginning of work.

Burnout Prevention: 5 Effective Tips from  Business Coaches

The issues of emotional exhaustion at work have long been and closely dealt with by both psychologists and consultants, top managers, and business coaches. People — is a key resource for any business, and preventing burnout will help a company keep it. Below are practical tips on how to avoid emotional exhaustion. They will be useful to employees, and heads of departments, employees of HR departments.

Learn to balance the load and delegate authority!
You can't load one person with all the work, even if he does it brilliantly. In the case when circumstances require it, it is necessary to clearly state the plans and goals, to give the opportunity to rest after their achievement. Also, you don’t need to imagine yourself as a multi-armed Shiva and take on everything at once. There are other employees around you, they will be able to help, most importantly — ask for this.

Every work must be rewarded!
In an ideal world, any professional success should immediately bring material rewards. In reality, everything is not so rosy, but in any case, praise is necessary. This moves the task to done section, allowing you to switch to another activity.


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If not from the side of the management, then although you should give yourself "fives". Even if it's a cake at dinner or another episode of your favorite movie.

Work stays at work!
Under no circumstances should work be taken home. If such a need arises, then something is wrong with load distribution and recruitment, and this problem needs to be addressed. The working day must end, otherwise no amount of burnout prevention will help.

Creativity is the best way to deal with stress!
Any hobby or hobby will help you switch, reboot your psyche and give you the opportunity to calm down. It is very good if the hobby is connected with active leisure: sports games, tourism, hiking. But and any activity related to creation will help to take a break from work routine.

Personal life and work should not compete!
What whatever happens at home or in the office, thoughts about it should not cross the threshold. Yes, it's difficult, but you need to force yourself to abstract from current problems if they are not related to the momentary task.  I think about when I get back here  — with this thought, it will be easier to switch to home/work mode.


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Burnout prevention requires a comprehensive solution. It is impossible to prevent exhaustion if the authorities set unrealistic goals. Just like & nbsp; you can’t drive yourself, guided by the principle “if you want to do it well, do it yourself”. And it's not only work.

Loving mothers, spouses who have disappeared into a partner, children caring for parents can also get out of strength. If you feel that life is gradually losing color, change the environment or consult a specialist. Don let it run its course, burnout can lead to depression and other mental disorders.

Read also: The value of work for mental health

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