The famous phrase of Gogol's hero "Raise my eyelids: I can't see!" at a certain stage of life becomes sacred for many. Causes  sagging eyelids can be very different, ranging from sudden weight loss and ending with a bad cosmetic bag. But most often the reason for this — age-related muscle weakness. 

It also happens that a person inherits such a structure of the eyelids genetically. In such cases, surgical intervention is indispensable. In all others, you can return the eyelids to their place with the help of simple techniques, such as massage and special gymnastics.

5 healthy habits to prevent droopy eyelids

Habit #1: Eat right. Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are good for the eyes. Vitamins C and E prevent aging, and vitamin K reduces dark circles under the eyes.

  • Drink enough water (at least eight glasses a day). It helps to remove toxins from the body and moisturize the skin.
  • Do not abuse smoked meats, spices, salt, alcohol — all those foods that retain fluid in the body and cause puffiness of the eyelids.

Habit #2: Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep leads to fatigue, and excessive sleep can cause puffy eyes. Sleep 7—8 hours a day.

  • Take care of your bed. The mattress should not be too soft, and the pillow — high. The head should only slightly rise above the body, otherwise, in addition to swollen eyelids, pain in the neck may occur.

Habit #3: Use cryotherapy. Wipe your eyelids with an ice cube in the morning. Due to the cooling effect, puffiness is reduced and wrinkles are smoothed.

Habit #4: Moisturize the skin around your eyes. Apply special creams one hour before bedtime so that they have time to be absorbed.

Habit #5: Take care of your eyelid skin. Do special exercises for the face, do not forget about beauty masks and massages.

Massage and gymnastics will prevent sagging eyelids

Self-massage relieves swelling of the face and thus prevents the appearance of overhanging eyelids. It should be done twice a day — morning and evening.

Massage is performed over the entire eyelid with light patting movements. They tone the blood vessels, while stroking movements relax them, & nbsp; what  provokes drooping of the eyelids.

Massage technique:

  • cream eyelids;
  • massage them with circular movements of the pads of the ring fingers;
  • move from nose to temples;
  • increase finger pressure on the upper eyelid;
  • end the massage by patting the cheeks and the temporal area.

The eyelid lift exercises also help relieve eye strain, so they can be advised to those who have to constantly work at the computer. Such exercises can be performed anytime and anywhere without interrupting the production process.

"Swing". Sit on a chair, close your eyes. Without opening them, look up as much as possible, and then — way down. Retry.

  • Tones the eyelids.

Blink. Raise your head, look up. Staying in this position, blink frequently for 30 seconds.  

  • Strengthens the eyelids.

Tilts. Take your head back, lower your eyelids. Hold like this for 5 seconds, then relax.

  • Lifts the eyelids.

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