Пупок взрослого: о чем говорит его форма

navel – part of the body that remains with each person after birth. It would seem that this is just a cavity formed from a cut off umbilical cord. But in fact, this mark is an attractive part of the abdomen, especially if it has a piercing. Therefore, it is not surprising why, with the advent of summer, many people expose her on the beach, in the gym or elsewhere.

And they also say that the navel of an adult can tell a lot about the health and character of the owner of the cavity. So feel free to expose your stomach and start exploring this most informative area of ​​​​your body. And the online publication estet-portal.com will help you with this.

The navel of an adult healthy person: what is it

What does this part of the body look like in a healthy person? It is difficult to find the answer to this question, because it is different for everyone. And it is impossible to determine whether the navel of an adult is correct or incorrect only by appearance. But plastic surgeons agree that the correctness of this part of the body depends on its location.

So, they think that the correct navel – this is a mark similar to a funnel of medium depth, located in the midline of the abdomen in the center between the pubis and the xiphoid process. If the cavity is displaced, this indicates a health problem.

Adult navel: what factors influence the shape

The navel of an adult has many different shapes. In some people it is convex, in others – sunken, and in the third, this part of the body is completely absent. Scientists say that many factors influence the shape of the cavity:
• individual characteristics of the organism;
• the skill of the midwife in bandaging and cutting the umbilical cord;
• umbilical wound care;
• heredity;
• the amount of fat on the abdomen;
• fitness of the abdominal muscles.

The appearance and structure of the navel may change with age. The reason for this is various diseases, including an umbilical hernia, plastic surgery, piercings or even pregnancy.

Adult navel and health

Adult navel and human health are closely related. After all, if its shape has changed for no apparent reason, in most cases this is a "bell", saying that something is wrong with the body. The problem can be either minor or major.

About what this or that form of the navel of an adult person means, read below:
• Almond-shaped – such a neat and beautiful navel usually belongs to people prone to headaches and migraines. They also have weak bones, which often leads to osteoporosis.
• Arcuate – speaks of being overweight. Often such a mark is present in those people who are prone to diseases of the digestive system, as well as problems with the kidneys and skin.
• Round – owners of this form of the navel often have malfunctions in the digestive tract, which leads to a set of extra pounds.
• Little – it may be normal, or it may indicate a weak immune system and frequent colds.
• Convex – this form is very rare. But it is a significant cause for concern. After all, a bulging navel indicates an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which was caused by the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and strong gas formation in the intestines.

A protruding navel may herald a hernia.

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The navel of an adult: what the shape of the navel tells about the character of a person

It turns out that the shape of the navel of an adult can determine not only the state of health, but also character. The German psychologist Gerhard Reibman is convinced of this. He thinks there are 6 types of navels.

Each of them tells about the temperament of a person:
1. Vertically elongated – belongs to self-confident, emotionally balanced and generous individuals.
2. Horizontally elongated – says that the person is overly emotional. Strong experiences often undermine his health.
3. Round and smooth – such people are very calm, modest, and in some cases shy personalities.
4. Convex – the owners of this form of the navel are optimistic in life. And they are avid enthusiasts.
5. Deep – nature has rewarded such people with sincerity and good nature. Along with this, the owners of a sunken navel are very careful and prudent. They are deeply worried, but in every possible way hide it from others.
6. Displaced from the center of the abdomen – says that its owner – windy nature who loves entertainment.

Certainly, the navel of an adult cannot accurately indicate that a person has this or that temperament. It is necessary to approach the study of oneself in a complex way, looking closely at other parts of one's body. This is the only way to get a complete picture of your personality.

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