Расстройство психики: симптомы и алгоритм действий

Probably, there is nothing worse than the realization that a loved one is starting to go crazy. Mood swings, unreasonable fears, obsessions begin to take possession of a person, changing him and making him dangerous for society and for himself.
Of course, you should not sound the alarm if you notice only one symptom: perhaps it's just overwork, stress, hormonal imbalance or a manifestation of a particular disease, and not a mental disorder. However, what to do if all the signs are on the face and the condition of a loved one only gets worse? In this article, estet-portal.com offers to consider the main manifestations of mental disorders and talk about how to help a loved one.

Asthenia or chronic fatigue syndrome

Asthenic syndrome – it is a state of chronic fatigue. The main symptoms of asthenia appear in the form:
• fatigue;
• quick change of mood;
• weakening of self-control, perseverance and patience;
sleep disorders;
• disability;
• increased sensitivity to loud sounds, bright lights and strong odors;
• weakness;
• increased emotional excitability.
Often, manifestations of asthenia are mistaken for capriciousness, tearfulness and bad temper.

Asthenia is a symptom of many diseases. It can occur with diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and also be a symptom of infectious diseases.

It should be noted that asthenia manifests itself as chronic fatigue, however, these two syndromes require a clear distinction. The difference between asthenia is that this syndrome has no apparent reason. Simply put, chronic fatigue develops as a result of intense mental or physical work. Asthenia manifests itself gradually, not allowing the body to fully recover from normal stress for many months, and in some cases, even years. Among mental illnesses, asthenia is one of the manifestations of neurosis.

Obsessional neurosis and phobic anxiety disorders

Compulsions are a common symptom of a mental disorder. Anxiety-phobic disorders are a large group of different conditions that occur involuntarily. Obsessive-compulsive disorder may manifest itself in the form:

• doubt;

• fears;
• obsessive memories, thoughts;
• obsessive movements;
• suspiciousness.

However, neurosis – it's not just an anguish or a phobia. Obsessive-compulsive disorder awakens in the patient a constant fear of some conditional danger and forces him to constantly beware of it, to take "safety measures". For example, a person with this mental disorder may return home several times and check turn off electrical appliances or constantly wash your hands in an attempt to achieve perfect cleanliness.

The next stage of phobic anxiety disorder is intrusive thoughts and memories. A person may try to remember some information that is objectively unnecessary for him at a given moment in time (dates, surnames, poems) or talk about absurd topics.

Phobias are another sign of this disorder. Fear of heights, darkness, disease, open or closed areas is very pronounced. In addition, the disease can provoke the patient to perform obsessive actions: licking lips, straightening hair or clothes, biting nails, etc. The last stage of the disease are obsessive ideas. Unpleasant memories with the utmost fury and clarity appear before the patient, aggravating his state of mind.

The obsessive state makes communication with the patient very painful; however, the hardest of all, of course, is the sickest.

Mental disorder: sudden mood swings as a sign

Sudden, unreasonable mood swings can also be a sign of a mental disorder. It should be noted that not all behavioral changes can be considered symptoms of diseases. Mental disorders, mood swings can be attributed if a person:

• suddenly shows aggression;

• becomes suspicious and unpredictable;
• has difficulty concentrating;
• mood in a very short period of time changes from extreme to extreme.

The danger of sudden mood swings lies in the extremes to which they can go. In a neglected state, under the influence of other mental disorders, the syndrome can lead to suicide attempts or the murder of another person.

The change in mood that a mental disorder provokes is manifested not only from the emotional side. This symptom is often accompanied by:
• appetite disorders;

• change in body weight;
• problems with tactile sensations;

menstrual irregularities
;• vomiting;• nauseous.

Unpleasant sensations in the body or senestopathy

Senestopathy can be a cause for concern for a loved one. Senestopathy is called unpleasant sensations in the region of the internal organs or on the skin, which are of a rather unusual nature. Such pains usually do not have an objective cause as such and are in no way associated with somatic diseases.

Senestopathy is characterized by sensations:

• burning;
• contractions;
• twisting;
• burst;
• ripple;
• squeezing;
• movements.
In some cases, the pain can have different shades, sometimes very unexpected and multifaceted. In rare cases, senestopathy is accompanied by visual, olfactory, gustatory and auditory hallucinations.

Senestopathy can be a symptom of many mental illnesses. This mental disorder does not entail somatic disorders, but it can bring a lot of inconvenience to the patient, especially when combined with other diseases.

It should be noted that sometimes this deviation is one of the manifestations of hypochondria – manic preoccupation with one's own health. In any case, frequent manifestations of senestopathy require serious treatment.

Illusions and hallucinations in mental disorders

Illusions and hallucinations are often confused, but the difference between them is quite significant. Illusion forces a person to distort the perception of real objects or sounds. The clearest example of a visual illusion can be the perception of an abstract pattern, like intertwined snakes, etc.

Hallucinations – symptom of a very serious disease. Frequent manifestations of hallucinations are one of the symptoms of schizophrenia.

A hallucination, on the other hand, makes one perceive phenomena that do not exist, and can affect each of the senses. The patient may complain about emerging voices, sensations of bites, emerging visual images (both non-objective and quite recognizable). The danger of hallucinations lies in the fact that for the patient they are absolutely real. In addition to the fact that "blindness" surrounding people can be perceived by the patient as a conspiracy, hallucinations can provoke a significant deterioration in the condition, the development of paranoia, etc.

Delicious states: paranoia, morbid jealousy and megalomania

Delirium is one of the main symptoms of psychosis. The delusional state is characterized by erroneous judgments of the patient and complete conviction that he is right. A person obsessed with his idea does not refuse it, even with obvious contradictions.

Delirium states have a huge number of forms. The most common among them are:

• paranoid syndrome – represents delusions of persecution or physical assault;
• paraphrenic syndrome consists of delusions of grandeur combined with delusions of persecution;
• delusions of jealousy.

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What to do if a loved one has a suspected mental disorder

If you have any suspicions that a loved one has a mental disorder, in no case should you jump to conclusions. It is quite possible that the – a difficult period in your personal life, problems at work or a beginning illness.

However, if you notice several symptoms that gradually progress, then a loved one should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible. Of course, doing this will not be easy.

• First of all, you need to talk seriously with the patient. This must be done at the moment when he is ready for a confidential conversation.

• Talking with the patient, you do not need to try to convince him. In a conversation, in principle, one should not mention specific delusions (be it hallucinations or delusions). It is necessary to find common arguments; for example, to advise you to undergo a preventive examination, because you are concerned about his general condition.

• In no case should you deceive the patient. It is impossible, for example, to invite a psychiatrist to the house, under the guise of an acquaintance, or to take a patient to a psycho-neurological dispensary under the guise of a therapeutic examination.

• Be sure to talk to a psychiatrist before taking any action. An experienced doctor will be able to give you professional advice and help you find an approach to the patient.

In any case, you should not put off a visit to a specialist. Signs of a mental disorder can occur not only during mental illness, but also be symptoms of oncological diseases.
to advise you to undergo a preventive examination, as you are concerned about his general condition.

• In no case should you deceive the patient. It is impossible, for example, to invite a psychiatrist to the house, under the guise of an acquaintance, or to take a patient to a psycho-neurological dispensary under the guise of a therapeutic examination.

• Be sure to talk to a psychiatrist before taking any action. An experienced doctor will be able to give you professional advice and help you find an approach to the patient.In any case, you should not put off a visit to a specialist. Signs of a mental disorder can occur not only during mental illness, but also be symptoms of oncological diseases.

to advise you to undergo a preventive examination, as you are concerned about his general condition.• In no case should you deceive the patient. It is impossible, for example, to invite a psychiatrist to the house, under the guise of an acquaintance, or to take a patient to a psycho-neurological dispensary under the guise of a therapeutic examination. • Be sure to talk to a psychiatrist before taking any action. An experienced doctor will be able to give you professional advice and help you find an approach to the patient.In any case, you should not put off a visit to a specialist. Signs of a mental disorder can occur not only during mental illness, but also be symptoms of oncological diseases. • In no case should you deceive the patient. It is impossible, for example, to invite a psychiatrist to the house, under the guise of an acquaintance, or to take a patient to a psycho-neurological dispensary under the guise of a therapeutic examination. • Be sure to talk to a psychiatrist before taking any action. An experienced doctor will be able to give you professional advice and help you find an approach to the patient.In any case, you should not put off a visit to a specialist. Signs of a mental disorder can occur not only during mental illness, but also be symptoms of oncological diseases. • In no case should you deceive the patient. It is impossible, for example, to invite a psychiatrist to the house, under the guise of an acquaintance, or to take a patient to a psycho-neurological dispensary under the guise of a therapeutic examination. • Be sure to talk to a psychiatrist before taking any action. An experienced doctor will be able to give you professional advice and help you find an approach to the patient.In any case, you should not put off a visit to a specialist. Signs of a mental disorder can occur not only during mental illness, but also be symptoms of oncological diseases. under the guise of his friend or take the patient to a psycho-neurological dispensary under the guise of a therapeutic examination. • Be sure to talk to a psychiatrist before taking any action. An experienced doctor will be able to give you professional advice and help you find an approach to the patient.In any case, you should not put off a visit to a specialist. Signs of a mental disorder can occur not only during mental illness, but also be symptoms of oncological diseases. under the guise of his friend or take the patient to a psycho-neurological dispensary under the guise of a therapeutic examination. • Be sure to talk to a psychiatrist before taking any action. An experienced doctor will be able to give you professional advice and help you find an approach to the patient.In any case, you should not put off a visit to a specialist. Signs of a mental disorder can occur not only during mental illness, but also be symptoms of oncological diseases. do not put off a visit to a specialist. Signs of a mental disorder can occur not only during mental illness, but also be symptoms of oncological diseases. do not put off a visit to a specialist. Signs of a mental disorder can occur not only during mental illness, but also be symptoms of oncological diseases. Read also: Test: Do you have a nervous breakdown

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