Preserving and strengthening health is not so easy, for this you need to follow a lot of recommendations and take a lot of "useful" drugs, as medical professionals say. In Chinese folk medicine, there are rules that must be followed to promote a healthy mind and body. 14 rules guide you on the right path to longevity and well-being, to maintaining and strengthening health. These rules apply to all areas of our body.

14 rules of Chinese medicine that will preserve and strengthen health for many years

It is recommended to follow these rules from childhood, so that the preservation and promotion of health go hand in hand.

Rule 1: Comb your hair more often

On the head, as well as on the whole body, there are energy points that need to be massaged so that the energy exchange does not stop. Massaging the scalp stimulates circulation, improves eyesight, and may lower blood pressure.

Bend your fingers so that they resemble a comb. Massage the scalp and comb the hair in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. About 100 such movements must be performed per day to feel the effect. Start this procedure in the morning and do not forget about the evening massage.

Rule 2. Rub your face


To refresh your thoughts, wake up and feel a surge of strength will help massage points on the face. Warm up your palms to feel warm, and bring your palms to your face. The middle fingers should touch the side wings of the nose. Rubbing should start from the Ying-Xian points towards the forehead, moving to & nbsp; sides, descending to the cheeks. It is necessary to perform such rubbing 30 times in order to preserve youth. This massage smoothes wrinkles and helps with nasal congestion.

Rule 3. Exercise your eyes

To improve vision and train the eye muscles, it is worth doing exercises every day. Eye training contributes to the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys. Turn eyeballs to the left, then to the right – 14 times, in the other direction – right to left – also 14 times. And open quickly. Close tightly and open again sharply.

Rule 4. Clack with front and molars

To strengthen tooth enamel, click with your molars – 24 times, and front teeth – 24 times.

Rule 5. Tap your ears

Close your ears with your palms, press firmly. Tap with three fingers of both hands on the back of the head – 12 times. Use your index and middle fingers to tap on the back of your head – 12 times. Such tapping perfectly removes fatigue. It is best to do these exercises in the morning. Such procedures help to get rid of ringing in the ears, dizziness and improve the condition of ear diseases. It also improves memory and hearing.

Rule 6. Lick the sky often

In the middle of the upper sky, while touching the tip of the tongue, yin and yang meet, which has a beneficial effect on the body.

Rule 7: Swallow saliva more often

It is characteristic that saliva is given great importance in Chinese medicine, calling it the treasure of the body or the "golden liquid". Saliva promotes digestion, improves the functioning of the stomach, intestines and all organs of the abdominal cavity. When we lick the upper palate, a lot of saliva accumulates in the mouth, swallow it constantly, as much as possible. When a sufficient amount of saliva has accumulated in the mouth, puff out the cheeks, rinse the mouth with saliva and swallow.

Rule 8: Keep no stagnant air in you

Preservation and promotion of health is achieved through gas exchange in the body. Hold your breath while expanding your belly and lifting your chest. If the chest is completely filled with air, raise your head and open your mouth. Exhale the stale air from the chest completely. Repeat the exercise at least 7 times. The body is cleansed, breathing improves, the state of asthma.

Rule 9. Massage the belly

Stimulation of the abdomen improves intestinal motility, respiration, prevents constipation and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion.

Rubb your palms to create warmth between them. Place your palms on the navel, while men put their left hand on top of their right, and women, on the contrary, put their right hand on top of their left. Stomach rub in a circular motion clockwise – 36 circles, then counterclockwise  36 circles, increasing and decreasing the radius.

Rule 10: Squeeze your anus often

Anus contraction and relaxation exercise improves yang qi, can relieve hemorrhoids, and even prevent anal fistula or anus prolapse. On the inhale, squeeze the anus and perineum, on the exhale, relax. Repeat about 7 times.

Rule 11. Shake your limbs

To improve the functioning of the joints and prevent diseases in the lower back or limbs, it is necessary to shake hands and feet.  Stretch your arms forward, clench your fists, turn your shoulders from left to right, bending down at the waist (imitation of movements when you turn the steering wheel of a car). Repeat 24 times. Do the same exercise, changing the direction of the shoulders – right to left, also 24 times. It is necessary to sit on a chair, put your hands under you, lift your left leg and straighten it forward so that the toe looks up. When the leg is not yet fully extended, jerk sharply at the knee and straighten it completely. Do the same procedure with the other leg. Repeat the exercise at least 5 times.

Rule 12: Rub the soles of your feet constantly

sokhranenie-i-ukreplenie-zdorovya-osnovy-kitajskoj-meditsinyThere are many nerve endings on the sole, so this stimulation will be useful for the whole body. First of all, rubbing has a beneficial effect on the heart and kidneys, liver, promotes the resumption of vision.

After the shower, when the feet are clean, first warm the feet with the palms of your hands, and you can start the massage. It is worth rubbing the soles in a circular motion, without applying force, slowly and confidently. Make 50-100 circles on the sole of one foot. It is necessary to pay attention to the yongquan point.

Rule 13. Rub the skin all over the body

This exercise helps to increase blood circulation, renew qi energy, and is also good for detoxifying the body.

With your palms, rub and stroke the skin all over your body, sequentially: starting from the bai-hui point (at the top of the head), go to the face, shoulders and arms (left and then right), chest, then stomach, and also chest. Also move on to the lower back and legs.

Rule 14 Keep your back warm

Chinese sages claimed that the human body has two energy channels: du-mai – along the spinal column, jen-mai – runs along the midline of the chest. The back and chest should always be closed so as not to impede the movement of energy.

Follow these life tips every day and your health will be preserved and strengthened.

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