Стандарты женской красоты: что ценится больше всего

Women's beauty – the concept is multifaceted. Someone by him means an attractive appearance with plump lips and extended eyelashes, someone – slim figure, someone – gestures, speech and gait, and someone – internal content.

But there are certain standards of female beauty that many girls look up to. From year to year, the standard of attractiveness changes, something new and unusual is introduced into it.

The Internet edition estet-portal.com to share with you what a modern woman should be according to plastic surgeons, makeup artists, fitness trainers and fashion magazine editors.

1. Female beauty: slightly plump lips and extended eyelashes
2. Natural hair, thick eyebrows and nude makeup
3. Standards of female beauty: athletic figure and voluminous buttocks

Feminine beauty: slightly plump lips and extended eyelashes

Plump lips, like Pamela Anderson's, are out of fashion now. Looking at the faces of many Instagram bloggers and socialites, you can see that in most modern girls this part of the face looks seductive, but at the same time it is not pumped over. After all, now everything is moving towards naturalness.

If nature hasn't rewarded slightly plump lips, girls achieve what they want with the help of special exercises, massage, special makeup and contouring.

Many representatives of the fair sex turn to plastic surgeons, but not to fill their lips with silicone, but to correct asymmetry or add some volume, that is, to make contouring.

This is a procedure in which a specialist injects hyaluronic acid-based fillers to add volume to the lips and correct their shape. The result after it – horizontal skin-muscle folds look plump, but at the same time look as natural as possible.

Beautiful expressive eyes – it is also the standard for feminine beauty. In order to achieve this effect, many women of fashion grow eyelashes. Technology has become so advanced that attached artificial or natural hairs create a natural effect that is now very much appreciated.

The forms of eyelash extensions are different:

• puppet;
• «rays»;
• natural;
• fox.

The most popular are natural and fox effect. They are suitable for all girls without exception. Such eyelashes emphasize the beauty of the eyes and make the look more expressive.

Although fashionable glossy magazines have recently been looking for photo models with natural beauty, that is, without eyelash extensions and injections.

The most interesting thing is that their editors consider not an ideal appearance with a straight nose and correct proportions of lips, but a non-standard face with big ears, a hump on the nose, a gap between teeth, moles, freckles and so on.

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Natural hair, thick brows and nude makeup

Platinum blonde is no longer in trend. The modern standard feminine beauty are natural and calm shades of hair. Therefore, girls prefer to do California highlighting, ombre, bronding and shatush.

Healthy and well-groomed hair of a natural form, as well as with the effect of burnout in the sun, are especially valued. This coloring suits every girl, regardless of the color of the curls.

The advantages of this coloring is that the play of colors makes the curls so natural that their shade does not need to be updated as often as it usually happens with regular painting. In addition, hair is healthy-colored and less susceptible to damage.

There are also certain changes in hairstyles. So, not smoothly combed hair is considered beautiful, but slightly disheveled and blooming curls.

And in make-up, the future lies in naturalness. Therefore, instead of smoky eyes, nude is now most valued with its natural shades and wide eyebrows tinted a tone or half a tone lighter than the natural shade of hair.

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Female beauty standards: athletic figure and voluminous buttocks

If since the 50s of the last century, thinness was considered the standard of female beauty, today muscularity and relief are in trend. American scientists came to this conclusion after conducting many studies and surveys.

The popularization of fitness could have spurred such a change in the standard of female beauty. This healing technique has actively burst into modern life. More and more content related to fitness is being created on the Internet. It is written about in online publications and social networks, and YouTube-channels are also created. A lot of content is aimed at a female audience.

Thus, we can say that the idea of ​​the beauty of a woman was formed by the media. So, modern women, following the example of Instagram and video bloggers, prefer a smart, slender and muscular figure.

Therefore, many actively visit fitness rooms to pump up the press and build muscle mass in the necessary parts of the body. Especially girls are interested in swaying the gluteal muscles and giving them such volume as Kim Kardashian has.

The modern standard of female beauty – this is a toned figure, developed muscles, a relief body and voluminous buttocks.

Many even decide on a cardinal decision to increase the volume of the fifth point – plastic surgery. But such a procedure is still popular only in Brazil and the USA.

As you already understood, modern standards of female beauty – this is naturalness, that is, a modern girl should have natural-colored hair, nude makeup, thick wide eyebrows, plump lips, as well as a toned figure with reliefs and voluminous buttocks. And whether to follow these standards is up to you.

But always remember that true beauty – it is not appearance, but the soul, which is reflected externally: on the face, figure, hair, and so on. If everything is good inside, then beauty will appear outwardly.

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