Топ-5 продуктов для продления молодости кожи

With age, the skin ages, wrinkles, age spots and other problems appear. The reason for this is not only biological changes, but also bad habits, wrong lifestyle, stress and poor nutrition. All these factors lead to the fact that the production of collagen is significantly reduced. But this protein is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Since it is synthesized in the body with the participation of enzymes, vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, to maintain the beauty of the dermis, it is necessary to consume products consisting of such beneficial substances. The online publication estet-portal.com will tell you exactly which products contribute to the synthesis of beneficial collagen and keep the skin young.

Meat – valuable source of natural collagen

Meat is considered a nutritious and healthy food. After all, it contains the proteins and fats we all need. And few people know that meat is the source of collagen. Especially a lot of it is found in turkey. Eating such a bird results in the release of carnosine.

This substance strengthens the collagen fibers, making them resistant to breakage. In addition, it maintains skin tone. In second place in terms of collagen content – beef. Next comes lamb and pork. And as for chicken meat and rabbit meat, the amount of collagen in them is much less than in other types of meat.

Fish and other seafood: both tasty and healthy

Collagen is also found in fish, albeit in small amounts. Salmon is especially useful. Despite the fact that it is an oily fish, it is able to prolong the youthfulness of the skin. The presence of nutrients in it ensures the elasticity and firmness of the dermis.

In addition to collagen, fish contains useful Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, which strengthen blood vessels, positively affecting blood circulation and the appearance of the skin.

If you can't afford to buy salmon, it's okay. After all, there is a great alternative – salmon. There is plenty of collagen in it.

Since not everyone has the opportunity to eat fish, sea kale and sea onion – just right. Such seafood is quite affordable, and the benefits of them are undeniable.

Meals with added gelatin: low calories and many benefits

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When collagen denatures, it becomes gelatin. Therefore, if you use food gelatin, the content of collagen is maintained at the proper level. In addition, this substance is low in calories.

Therefore, it does not threaten the figure in any way. In order to preserve the youthfulness of the skin and maintain it in the right condition, it is recommended to use gelatin-based products such as jelly (with fruits and berries), jelly, as well as various aspic dishes.

Pampering yourself with such sweets, your skin will become beautiful and toned, and wrinkles will not appear for a long time.

Vegetables and herbs – effective means to prolong the youthfulness of the skin

Vegetables and herbs – very important products that must be present in the diet of every person. After all, they contain useful fiber, which is involved in the digestive processes. In addition, such products stimulate the production of collagen. Therefore, pay attention to cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, eggplant, spinach, dill and parsley. They can be used both separately and in salads.

Red vegetables are especially useful: beets, tomatoes, red peppers. They contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant. This substance serves as a powerful anti-aging agent for the skin, and is also a stimulant for the work of all organs.

Read useful: "5 delicious and healthy beetroot salad recipes"

Fruits and berries – irreplaceable source of vitamin C

Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen. Therefore, it is very important to consume products with its content. Such a powerful antioxidant is found in many fruits and berries. Especially a lot of it in citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruits, suites, lemons. Also, vitamin C is plentiful in apples, kiwifruit, pineapples, apricots, persimmons, strawberries, currants and blueberries.

If it is not possible to buy fruits in winter, dried fruits are quite suitable. They are also rich in vitamins needed for collagen synthesis. Fruit and berry juices will also be very useful. They not only give beauty and youth to the skin, but also fill them with energy, and also make people joyful and cheerful.

Face masks with the addition of fruits and berries also bring great benefits to the skin. They perfectly cleanse the pores and rejuvenate. Only here it is very important to select exactly those fruits that do not cause allergic reactions.
By using all these products regularly, collagen levels will normalize and your skin will become smooth, supple and silky.

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