Врач: 10 проблем, которые скрываются за неприятным запахом тела

According to scientists, we find a soul mate to create a relationship, guided by smell. It is the smell of the body that allows you to choose the right partner with the right gene set. The human body releases pheromones – substances that attract the attention of the opposite sex. However, there are some odors that soap or deodorant cannot remove. This is not the aroma of sweat, which, if the rules of personal hygiene are observed, is almost not felt. Unpleasant body odor – a symptom of disorders in the body, depending on the state of health and habits of a person.

estet-portal.com will tell you why you might smell bad, which is indicated by an unpleasant smell.

10 Causes of Bad Smell – where does it come from

Domestic causes are possible, but not limited to:

1. Deodorant. Perhaps this seems like a contradictory argument. The tool has the opposite effect on the spread of unpleasant odor from the body. This was found out by scientists in Belgium. In a test they conducted, it turned out that deodorant ingredients promote the growth of bacteria that cause bad odor, – staphylococci. This results in a more pronounced aroma.

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2. Anxiety. The sweat produced in hot weather is different from that which appears as a reaction to stress and anxiety. It is thick, formed by other glands, and when evaporated, combined with bacteria, it smells quite unpleasant.

3. Sugar levels. Excessive sweating for no apparent reason – signal to see a doctor.

4. Reaction to medications. Some medications cause bad body odor – painkillers, antidiabetics, antibiotics, antidepressants and psychotropic drugs, hormonal drugs.

Fresh Breath: What Foods Can Help You Naturally

My default image

5. Spicy food. Garlic, onion, spices – in the process of metabolism, they form sulfur, which is released through the pores of the skin for several more hours.

6. Alcohol. The body recognizes it as a dangerous substance, trying to eliminate it faster. Splitting, it enters the bloodstream and exits through sweat and breath.

7. Irregular stools. The characteristic smell of excrement, speaks of problems with digestion, metabolism. Constipation causes toxins to enter the bloodstream, causing an unpleasant odor.

8. Avitaminosis. Especially the lack of B vitamins is manifested through an unpleasant odor from the body. Magnesium – flushes out toxins, eliminating repulsive odors. Zinc – removes waste products from the body.

9. Dirty laundry. Bra – part of the wardrobe that requires regular washing. He is in constant contact with places of increased sweating, armpits, back.

10. Disease Warning. Scientists from Sweden say bad smell – a sign of an imminent illness.

that unpleasant smell – a sign of

an imminent illness.

that unpleasant smell – a sign of

an imminent illness.
Unpleasant body odor – what diseases hides
The most common body odor – a consequence of metabolic disorders. Doctors use aroma as the primary diagnosis of diseases. The skin is colonized by pathological bacteria, evicting healthy ones. New waste products have a completely different smell.

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If the body smells:

• acetone – this indicates pathologies of the endocrine system associated with diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal problems, infection with foreign viruses and bacteria;

• cat scent – more precisely, his feces, speaks of diseases of the liver and kidneys, VVD, tuberculosis, obesity, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;

• vinegar – disruption of the endocrine system, lack of vitamin D, mastopathy, inflammatory lung diseases;

• fish – metabolic disorder;

• sweet breath – one of the signs of diphtheria;

• hydrogen sulfide – ulcer;

• rotten meat – oncological diseases;• old age – possible hormonal imbalance;

• rotten apples – hypoglycemia.
• fish – metabolic disorder;

• sweet breath – one of the signs of diphtheria;

My default image• hydrogen sulfide – ulcer;

• rotten meat – oncological diseases;• old age – possible hormonal imbalance;

• rotten apples – hypoglycemia. • fish – metabolic disorder;

• sweet breath – one of the signs of diphtheria;

• hydrogen sulfide – ulcer;

• rotten meat – oncological diseases;
• old age – possible hormonal imbalance;

• rotten apples – hypoglycemia.
old age – possible hormonal imbalance;

• rotten apples – hypoglycemia.
old age – possible hormonal imbalance;

• rotten apples – hypoglycemia.

How to beat sweating: treatment of hyperhidrosis with botulinum therapy

Acetone odor
is most often due to diabetes. Poor breakdown of glucose changes the composition of the blood, the concentration of ketone bodies in the body increases, which it intensively removes, including with sweat. This condition is dangerous to health, indicates an imminent diabetic coma. If the aroma is accompanied by swelling, problematic urination, pressure surges and back pain, this indicates problems with the functioning of the kidneys.
Disturbances in the endocrine system lead to a lack of iodine. This is where the smell of vinegar comes from. Women should not be indifferent to such a symptom, this is a sign of serious problems with

mammary gland.

My default imageTips for preventing bad body odor

Try the following:

• for armpit hygiene, use clean water with lemon juice added, it kills bacteria;• use deodorants with aluminum salts to block perspiration; • frequent washing of clothes reduces the accumulation of bacteria;

• get a blood test to rule out diabetes;

• drink herbal teas, water, and juices to keep your body hydrated;• monitor the effect of medications, if they cause excessive sweating, consult a doctor to change them;

• if you have eaten spicy food, do not drink much water or take a shower;

• prevention of an unpleasant smell from alcohol – take each dose with a glass of water;• low fiber content in food leads to constipation, add more vegetables and fruits to the menu, drink at least 2 liters of water;

• give preference to a bra made of breathable fabric, natural materials.Dentists named the most unexpected causes of bad breath If neither diet nor improved personal hygiene can help eliminate body odor, then you should consult a doctor for advice. It is impossible to determine the disease by smell by 100%. The doctor will prescribe laboratory tests, according to the results of which the picture will become more accurate. More useful information on our YouTube channel:

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