Почему постоянно хочется спать и как с этим бороться

Lack of sleep – one of the most common problems of modern mankind. The need for early rises and the habit of going to bed closer to midnight – all this makes waking up the most unpleasant moment of the whole day. But what if you seem to be getting enough sleep, resting for the prescribed amount of time, but during the day you still have a desire to take a nap? Why all the time I want to sleep – the reasons for this can be very diverse. Is it worth worrying about this or is it enough to just go to bed early?

estet-portal.com will tell you why you get sleepy all the time.

Why do you want to sleep all the time – lifestyle reasons

Constant desire to take a nap – it's not just about getting up in the morning and having to get some sleep at lunchtime. We are talking about drowsiness, when you constantly lack energy, constantly sleepy, you feel irritable, and concentrate poorly on work. If you recognize yourself in such a description, then you should think about what could cause such a condition.

Read also: Sleep for beauty: how to sleep to be beautiful and healthy xxxx>

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Most likely cause
– the usual lack of sleep. Normally it is about 7-8 hours. However, each person is individual, so someone needs a little more. And it also plays a significant role in which of the sleep cycles you wake up. If this is a deep sleep – then awakening will not bring any benefit, you will feel overwhelmed. The result of this lack of sleep – "backup mode" body work. You have difficulty concentrating, and your performance decreases.

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Also, the following reasons for constant drowsiness may be:

1. Unhealthy lifestyle
– and it's not just about coffee in the afternoon. Caffeine, which entered the body after 16.00, acts as a stimulant for a long time. Therefore, it becomes difficult to fall asleep, and the next day you constantly want to sleep. If you like to constantly drink instant coffee, then, unlike regular coffee, it provokes drowsiness 20 minutes after drinking. He also tends to sleep after a too hearty lunch or snack, after a missed breakfast. In the first case, the body throws resources for digestion, in the second, it saves them. The result is the same – drowsiness.
2. Stress and overwork
– if you have a stressful job or an equally stressful environment at home, it exhausts the body. As a result – he has little strength for anything, and therefore drowsiness appears.
3. Diseases and medications taken
– Some drugs have a side effect in the form of drowsiness. It also appears if a person is sick with diabetes, asthma, has problems with the cardiovascular system or low blood pressure. So it doesn't hurt to investigate.
4. The room is poorly ventilated
– lack of oxygen in the air causes drowsiness.

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If you feel sleepy all the time, the reasons for this may lie in your lifestyle and health. So pay attention to it, analyze to find My default image
the root of the problem.
I want to sleep all the time: reasons that are not obvious at first glance

There are a number of reasons we may not be aware of when we experience persistent sleepiness. However, they all require attention, because they talk about the problems of the body.

Therefore, if you notice a constant lack of sleep behind you, this may be a signal of such problems:

1. Iron deficiency
– its lack leads to a decrease in hemoglobin and the development of anemia. All this affects the quality of sleep. So get your blood tested to make sure you don't have a similar problem.
2. Restless Leg Syndrome
– a person can involuntarily move his legs in a dream, without suspecting it. Because of this, it can be difficult to fall asleep – any position seems uncomfortable, I want to change it. Such a feature can be a symptom of diseases – arthritis, diabetes, hypothyroidism.
3. Vitamin D deficiency
– because of this, there is chronic fatigue, inability to concentrate, sleep is disturbed. All this leads to constant drowsiness.
4. Apnea or temporary cessation of breathing during sleep
– as a result, there is a lack of oxygen in the blood, sleep worsens. The consequence of this is absent-mindedness, fatigue, drowsiness during the day. Sleep apnea is more common among overweight people who smoke.
because of this, there is chronic fatigue, inability to concentrate, sleep is disturbed. All this leads to constant drowsiness.

4. Apnea or temporary cessation of breathing during sleep
– as a result, there is a lack of oxygen in the blood, sleep worsens. The consequence of this is absent-mindedness, fatigue, drowsiness during the day. Sleep apnea is more common among overweight people who smoke.

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because of this, there is chronic fatigue, inability to concentrate, sleep is disturbed. All this leads to constant drowsiness.
4. Apnea or temporary cessation of breathing during sleep
– as a result, there is a lack of oxygen in the blood, sleep worsens. The consequence of this is absent-mindedness, fatigue, drowsiness during the day. Sleep apnea is more common among overweight people who smoke.

5. Low blood pressure or hypotension
– is a symptom of a malfunction of the heart, appears due to prolonged stress or overexertion.
6. Depression – one of the symptoms of this disease is a constant feeling of drowsiness.

7. Hormonal disorders

– with endocrine disorders, a frequent symptom is drowsiness, a feeling of constant fatigue. Besides, if you feel sleepy all the time, the reasons for this may be hiding in a short daylight hours. If such a state appeared with the advent of autumn, then you should not worry – it will pass in the spring. And to normalize the condition, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink vitamins, try to walk more during the day.

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Why waking up in the morning is so hard: tips on how to train yourself to get up early

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