Вредные и правильные сочетания продуктов: что с чем можно есть, а что – нет

Proper nutrition is not only about eating the “right” foods. products. Of course, it is important to choose healthy meals and the same foods that will saturate the body with energy, provide the necessary vitamins and minerals. But even the most healthy foods can become almost poisonous if combined incorrectly.

Today, the site estet-portal.com will talk about which combinations of products can harm the body, and which – benefit.

Bad food combinations: what not to eat together

What foods should be eaten separately and not together? There is a list of those compiled by dietitians. The incompatibility of such ingredients is explained by the fact that different enzymes are needed for their digestion.

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So you cannot combine the following products:

1. Eggs with fish – protein foods that take a long time to digest. You need to eat them separately with greens.

2. Tomatoes and cucumbers – a traditional combination for a summer salad. However, they are not compatible with each other. First, this combination leads to the destruction of vitamin C in the salad. Secondly, cucumbers – alkaline product, tomatoes – sour. That is, cucumbers begin to be digested, and tomatoes – wander in the stomach.

3. Bread and coffee – often a cup of coffee drink and bakery products become a habitual lunch snack. However, caffeine blocks the absorption of nutrients from bread, so there will be zero benefit from such a lunch or breakfast.

Top Healthy Dairy Products

4. Fruit with other products – they need to be eaten only separately and 20 minutes after a meal or an hour before it. Otherwise, they linger in the stomach and begin to ferment, badly affecting the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Soda and ice cream – a frequent combination in fast foods, which is especially loved by children. If you drink ice cream with soda, it will lead to heaviness in the stomach, bloating, and feeling unwell.

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Some products need to be separated – even if together it is very tasty. This is especially true for the nutrition of young children, whose gastrointestinal tract is still quite weak and sensitive

to stimuli.

Bad Food Combinations You Didn't Know About

There are food combinations that we consider "classic" – familiar, ordinary and so delicious. However, such a combination will not bring benefits to the body, but on the contrary – only harm.

So, which products are absolutely impossible to combine:

1. Meat and potatoes – to digest these foods, different enzymes are needed. Therefore, such food is considered heavy for the stomach and is digested for a very long time, causing a feeling of heaviness.

2. Coffee and alcohol – a familiar pairing when the restaurant menu has "coffee with rum/cognac". These two products greatly dehydrate the body and increase the heart rate.

3. Beer with burgers – a classic for any pub. However, this combination will give a powerful blow to the liver. She will need to neutralize the alcohol and at the same time process the fat from the patty in the burger. Result – heartburn and heaviness in the stomach.

4. Desserts with wine – it is highly undesirable to drink them a cake or a piece of cake. Wine only promotes the rapid absorption of sugar, increasing its level in the blood.

Read also: The secret to good health is in the right combination of products 

She will need to neutralize the alcohol and at the same time process the fat from the patty in the burger. Result – heartburn and heaviness in the stomach.

4. Desserts with wineMy default image – it is highly undesirable to drink them a cake or a piece of cake. Wine only promotes the rapid absorption of sugar, increasing its level in the blood.

Read also: The secret to good health is in the right combination of products 

She will need to neutralize the alcohol and at the same time process the fat from the patty in the burger. Result – heartburn and heaviness in the stomach.
4. Desserts with wine
– it is highly undesirable to drink them a cake or a piece of cake. Wine only promotes the rapid absorption of sugar, increasing its level in the blood.
Read also:
The secret to good health is in the right combination of products 

increasing its level in the blood.

Read also: The secret to good health is in the right combination of products 

increasing its level in the blood.

Read also: The secret to good health is in the right combination of products 

Therefore, when going to a cafe or treating guests at home, remember that a delicious combination of –

not always helpful.

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What combinations of products – correct and useful

So how to combine products correctly so that the food is only good?
It's not difficult, it's important to remember the basic rules:

1. Legumes – they contain a lot of starch and protein, so our body will take a long time to digest them. They should be eaten with lettuce, celery, cabbage. And it is desirable to eat already sprouted legumes – they are easier to digest.2. Fish and meat products

– goes well with greens and vegetables that do not have starch. Green food will speed up the absorption of proteins, which will positively affect intestinal motility.

3. Milk – completely independent product. Therefore, they should not drink food. If so, then the process of digestion of food slows down, fermentation processes begin.

4. Eat melon and watermelon separately

5. Potato – goes well with white cabbage and zucchini, fried onions, herbs. But you don’t need to grease fried or boiled potatoes with oil – this raises the glycemic index of the finished dish.6. Any cereals – it is better to cook them on the water, and eat them with salads dressed with olive oil. 7. Fruit eat separately and only two hours after a meal or one hour before it. Fruit may well replace your snack or dessert. 8. Fermented milk products can be combined with each other, but with regular milk – cannot. And finally – remember that you can’t drink anything with water either. It refers to single products. If you drink food with water, then this will only lead to food retention in the stomach, the fermentation process. Therefore, you can drink water at least 20 minutes after eating. Correct food combinations – these are those in which the finished dish will be the simplest. In this case, the digestion of food will be more efficient than with multi-component dishes. Watch us on YouTube:

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