Urolithiasis is a widespread problem of modern society, which is directly related to the peculiarities of people's lives at the present time. Junk food, a sedentary lifestyle and a minimal amount of physical activity, drinking disorders directly affect the occurrence of kidney dysfunction with the subsequent formation of stones in them. The treatment of urolithiasis is a complex and lengthy process that requires, first of all, the patient's responsible attitude towards his own health.

Conservative treatment of urolithiasis: basic methods

Conservative treatment of urolithiasis is used mainly in the early stages of the disease, with uric acid diathesis, small stones that can move away on their own, and also in the absence of severe complications of the disease. Conservative treatment of urolithiasis should be comprehensive and directed, first of all, & nbsp; to eliminate the cause of the disease and the mechanisms of stone formation, to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, as well as to prevent its complications. For small stones, conservative treatments may be sufficient to completely eliminate them.

Conservative methods of treatment of urolithiasis:

  • treatment of renal colic in urolithiasis;
  • diet and drinking regimen for the treatment of urolithiasis;
  • Conservative methods for crushing stones in the urinary tract.

Treatment of renal colic in urolithiasis

An attack of renal colic accompanied by hematuria is the main symptom of urolithiasis requiring immediate treatment. First of all, with an attack of renal colic, it is necessary to eliminate pain in the patient. For this purpose, a warm (37 ° C) bath is made for the patient and antispasmodic and analgesic drugs are prescribed. Often these treatments are sufficient to relieve pain. If the pain does not subside, perform novocaine blockade of the spermatic cord in men and the attachment of the round ligament of the uterus to the abdominal wall in women. If all of the above methods are ineffective – the patient undergoes catheterization and stenting of the ureter: when the outflow of urine is restored, the pain syndrome is quickly removed.

Diet and drinking regimen for the treatment of urolithiasis

The selection of a diet for the treatment of urolithiasis depends on the excess of which salts, leading to the formation of kidney stones, is observed in the patient:

  • when calcium oxalate crystals are isolated from the patient's diet, foods rich in oxalic acid and calcium are removed: lettuce, sorrel, cocoa and chocolate, most dairy products;
  • with uraturia, it is forbidden to use meat and fish broths, liver and kidneys, smoked meats and canned meat and fish. It is recommended to increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and black bread in the diet;
  • phosphaturia requires the complete exclusion of fats, meat and white bread, as well as a reduction in the amount of vegetables consumed in the patient's diet.

An important point in the treatment of urolithiasis is an increase in diuresis, in the absence of contraindications. The amount of daily fluid intake should be increased to 3 liters per day, the fluid should be consumed evenly throughout the day. The use of tinctures of diuretics is also indicated.

Conservative methods for crushing stones in the urinary tract

For small stones, conservative methods of their removal from the lumen of the ureter are effective. For this, special urological instruments are used: Durmashkin dilator, Pashkovsky catheter-loop, Zeiss and Dormia's basket.


These tools can be used to gently walk around the stone and grab it firmly and remove it, in some cases, with the help of a loop, a preliminary crushing of the stone is performed. Currently, conservative crushing of stones using ultrasound, laser or electro-hydraulic shock under the control of an optical system is widely used. If the stone cannot be removed by conservative methods of treatment –  immediate surgical intervention is necessary.

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