Partnership with is not only an opportunity to post materials, promote articles and cover events. The team always applies an individual approach to each client, which includes:
Marketing promotion strategy
Cooperation with the new company always starts with a marketing plan. This paragraph implies either the analysis and adaptation of the plan provided by the partner, or the creation of a new plan for the year.
Based on a ready-made marketing plan and company strategy, speakers, master class teachers, doctors presenting their practical cases and other specialists interacting with the brand are selected. This allows the company to analyze who exactly uses its products, realizes and conveys its value to the end consumer.
Workshop lighting
Thanks to the coverage of master classes, the company can not only convey information to people who were able to attend the event. conveys to each reader the value of the information presented and the message that the company puts into its master classes.
Team building
All employees of the company participate in the preparation of promotional materials, each of which performs its own important function: choosing topics, designing materials, providing information, etc. Collaboration contributes to team building, therefore cooperation with is also a kind of team building tool for our partners.
Online promotion
The "Practice" section provides an excellent opportunity to promote doctors working with the company's products. Demonstration of successful cases, solving the problems of specific patients with the help of the advertised products not only makes it possible to clearly prove its value, but also raises the authority of the practitioner in the eyes of colleagues and patients. Thus, the promotion of doctors on allows you to increase brand awareness, loyalty of doctors using it and attract more followers to cooperate.
What will the placement of advertising materials on give personally for your business
Partners of our Portal have the opportunity to:
- increase in attendance of your resource (targeted traffic)
- increase awareness of your product/brand/service
- building consumer loyalty
- increase confidence in your product/brand
- improving the position of your company's website in search results
- optimization of marketing costs
- establish yourself as a high-class expert in the market of cosmetology services
- share your own experience with other market participants and potential
- show off your accomplishments
- post your professional materials in the "Practice" section on our resource and in our Facebook groups: Aesthetic medicine, Beauty injections; VK; OK; Twitter; G+; Telegram; Instagram
We have prepared the most effective options for cooperation, which you can find in the section Advertising.
We understand that each business has its own specifics, so we are ready to develop and offer an individual information promotion program especially for you!
If you are interested in promoting your project on our portal, write an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. Be sure to include your email address and how you can be contacted.
We will be glad to our cooperation!