Экспресс-процедуры для ухода за кожей: эффективное сочетание методик

In the arsenal of modern aesthetic medicine there is a huge number of various methods for correcting almost any skin imperfections. Dermatological diseases, age-related changes or any other skin problems that a patient can turn to an esthetician can today be quickly eliminated using effective methods.

But not everyone knows that in order to achieve the best effect, they can, and even need to be combined. In an exclusive interview for estet-portal.com, a dermatovenereologist, member of the AMWC (Monaco) scientific committee, scientific coordinator of the ANC Ukraine, Teoxane international trainer Vladlena Averina spoke about an effective combination of methods for express skin care procedures.

Tell us about your skincare routine: what makes your unique express treatment special

V.A. To say that she is just so unique – it's probably very loud (Laughs- ed). But yes, I really like to combine several methods in one procedure at once.

We understand that the correction of aging processes must be approached at several levels, because there are several mechanisms of aging and their causes, respectively, and there should be several methods of correction.

Especially when the patients are women who do not have much time and need to get results quickly, we offer several methods at once.

Which combinations of techniques do you prefer

V.A.  For example, I really like to use polydioxanone mesothreads with PRP therapy. In my practice I use "Regen Lab" because it is quite economical. It's Switzerland, it's a high brand, but it's enough to fill almost 20 threads.

The mesothread consists of a needle, as a conductor, into which the thread is inserted. Accordingly, we have already inserted a needle into the skin, then we simply connect a syringe to it and fill it. Then we withdraw the needle, and the thread remains with the preparation. If, for example, someone does not have the opportunity or conditions in the clinic to carry out this procedure, it can be replaced with mesotherapy, a mesotherapy cocktail is administered.

I also like to use biorevitalization together with the

mesoscooter: we have both mechanical stimulation and chemical stimulation with a substance. You can combine biorevitalization and mesotherapy if it is, for example, a cocktail with DMAE and high concentration hyaluronic acid. In one procedure, there can also be biorevitalization along with plasma. First, hyaluronic acid begins to act, and then its own growth factors.

I also like to use superficial peels together with

mesotherapy, also in one procedure. With a deep nappage after peeling, when we neutralized it, before applying a soothing mask or cream, I perform mesotherapy. In any case, the result of two procedures is much better and the patient sees the effect much faster.

Which combinations of methods for express procedures cannot be used

V.A.  Some hardware techniques are not combined with injections: you need to do something before, and something after. Then, I think that it is quite traumatic to combine trichloroacetic peeling with a mesoscooter. I also practiced this, but, in itself, trichloroacetic peeling is quite painful, if it is not TCA Pain Control with phenol, where there is also an analgesic effect.

After all, before the roller we usually do anesthesia, but here it is impossible, respectively, the procedure is so aggressive.

Why is the combination of techniques in express procedures so necessary for successful face correction

V.A.  The methods complement each other. If it is absolutely logical, then why not?

I say that I love the combination of techniques, because 70% of patients – this is a business lady.

Accordingly, visits are in the evening, the favorite is from 18.00 to 20.00, often it is Friday, so that there are days off for rehabilitation. I want to achieve results quickly, and that is why I always combine methods in express procedures.

And what complications can arise when combining techniques in express procedures

V.A.  First, incompatible techniques lead to complications faster. If you approach the combination reasonably, then, in principle, you can do without negative consequences. And so – complications of each technique separately. Mesotherapy – these are allergic reactions, non-compliance with aseptic and antiseptic methods – this, of course, is infection, just like hematomas and other complications.

Tell us about the basic rules for combining techniques in express treatments

VA The most important thing is that these should be multidirectional methods, that is, physical, chemical, mechanical factors of influence that potentiate each other. Only in this way can we combine it all.

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