Today, aesthetic medicine is one of the most sought-after medical areas in the world. Cosmetologists daily help people to correct the shortcomings of their appearance, and that is why modern cosmetology is developing more and more actively. Especially for the readers of, a dermatologist, director of the aesthetic dermatology clinic "Persona-Lux" Bilyk Lesya Evgenievna spoke about the most pressing issues of modern cosmetology. Read an exclusive interview with Dr. Bilyk right now.

Lesya Evgenievna, tell me what the combination of modern cosmetology and dermatology means to you?

I think this is the first question that should be asked today. Because, unfortunately, people are engaged in uncontrollably, especially injection methods. At this conference, I was struck by how much you need to know the skin. It seems that I consider myself an experienced dermatologist, but I saw things that I would not understand that this is the beginning of a basalioma, and that we can only provoke its development.

I would like everyone to remember that we still bring health, first of all, and not just beauty.

How often do you find that other cosmetologists do not know how to properly manage a patient?

I can't say that I've met specialists who don't know at all, rather not so deeply. I think that most specialists do not even know the structure of the skin deeply, because some new nuances and studies are constantly appearing, and therefore you need to constantly learn and want to know.

What methods in modern cosmetology can you single out as the most relevant and safe?

I really love well-groomed skin. Wrinkles don't annoy me because they are characteristic and say something about a person. Few people pay attention to pigmentation, they come with some kind of fine wrinkle, and pigmentation, which is the first manifestation of either a disease or photoaging, is not noticed. Therefore, I would like most specialists to inform people that the main problem is to have healthy skin, then it is beautiful. And the rest of the methods can be supplemented with natural ones and return to youth a little.

Which pigmentation treatment do you prefer?

First of all, it is important to conduct an examination, and, if necessary, we work with a general practitioner, a gynecologist-endocrinologist. In any case, we apply external methods as well. We have both a Q-switch laser, and a fractional one, and the task of a specialist – correctly apply one or another laser in a particular case. The main principle – do no harm.

Do you think it is necessary to carry out biorevitalization before laser skin treatment?

Definitely, especially before the use of fractional lasers, preparation and rehabilitation are required. We use plasmolifting and biorevitalization more. I think that this is just a prerequisite, and after the laser, home care is very important, as a continuation.

In your opinion, how often should patients come to the beauty parlor?

I always teach patients that the mandatory professional care should be twice a year. First, home care is changing.

I believe that in the market of modern cosmetology, it is difficult even for a specialist to understand and choose home care products for the patient, and even more so for the patient.

They really do more harm by their choice. And therefore, I always say that the skin needs to be prepared for winter and summer. In summer, relaxation, massages, care procedures, and after that, professional procedures such as peeling are mandatory. The sun damaged our cells, had its effect, and these cells must be removed so that home care properly penetrates the skin and works. And in spring, the skin is exhausted, dehydrated, and it definitely needs help to move away from winter and an exhausted state - this is preparation for the summer. Therefore, I consider professional procedures mandatory in autumn and spring, and it is also very important to prepare the skin for winter and summer.

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