Fillers are an indispensable tool that allows an esthetician to solve several problems associated with facial aging at once: restore lost volumes, eliminate wrinkles, improve skin quality. The anatomical features inherent in each area of ​​the face largely determine the course of the aging process and, accordingly, play a significant role in the choice of preparations and techniques for rejuvenation. This is also confirmed by Dr. Wayne Carey (Canada), who shared with his view on the correction of dynamic facial zones with Teosyal RHA fillers, which provide exceptionally natural results.

You took part in testing the Teosyal RHA line of dynamic fillers. What features would you note?

We are doing a number of studies on RHA products (which I have been using for 3-4 years), including those focused on:

  • RHA 1 lip wrinkle filler (to obtain FDA approval in the US); and
  • A new technique for using the RHA 4 filler to restore volume in the cheek area (joint work with my colleagues Drs. Ingallina and Wang, which will be published soon).

One of the advantages of the RHA line is the ability to inject these drugs into the dynamic areas of the face and get completely natural results.

After rejuvenating procedures, patients want to look natural, and the new line of Teosyal products allows the doctor to provide just such an effect. By correcting the moving areas of the face with RHA preparations, you can not worry that the result will be unnatural and noticeable to others.

One of the advantages of the RHA line is the ability to inject these drugs into the dynamic areas of the face and get completely natural results.

The following differences exist between Teosyal RHA fillers:

  • RHA is used to correct wrinkles in the lip area; it, unlike other products, can be injected into the dermis very superficially, without the risk of seals; the preparation perfectly integrates into the skin without creating irregularities;
  • RHA 2 filler is inserted slightly deeper than RHA 1;
  • RHA 3 is used to restore volume in superficial fat compartments;
  • RHA 4 allows volume adjustments in both superficial and deep fat compartments.

Do you enjoy working with Teosyal RHA fillers? What is your preference based on?

Yes, I enjoy working with Teosyal fillers. However, to be honest, I was a little disappointed in the initial stages of using RHA products. The thing is that working with these drugs has its own characteristics that need to be studied. I mean, when using the RHA line instead of the usual products (for example, RHA 4 instead of Ultimate), I could not get the same results. This is because the RHA filler needs to be injected more superficially. In some cases, this is unusual for us, but it is this approach that allows us to obtain the desired result. In my work with younger patients, I have noticed that sometimes superficial insertion results in better results with less material used.

I never thought I'd say this, but now I rarely use the products I used to prefer. I still use Teosyal Ultimate in case of severe atrophy in the cheek area (in patients 50-60 years old), sometimes I use Teosyal Global Action, for example, for the correction of wrinkles between the eyebrows. But in general, my practice has changed a lot, because, in addition to many products that I have been using for a long time, I also actively use RHA fillers.

Why, in your opinion, do the dynamic areas of the face require a special approach in correction?

In my opinion, the secret of RHA dynamic fillers lies in their extensibility. The HA-based products we have used in the past were bouncy but lacked the stretch that comes with, for example, smiling or laughing. Therefore, in the past, patients often complained about unnatural facial expressions when smiling.

As I said, one of the advantages of RHA products is that even when they are bolused into the cheek area, the filler is not felt, it integrates well into the tissues. And during mimic activity, when superficial fatty structures begin to move, the product does not move in the form of a single mass, but stretches, and then returns to its place when the skin relaxes. Therefore, stretchability is an important feature of Teosyal RHA dynamic fillers, providing benefits for patients. 

In general, for most areas of the face, other than those with significant atrophy, I prefer using the RHA line of fillers, which offer a certain level of flexibility and natural results.

You highlight special approaches when applying dynamic fillers for each age. What do they depend on?

There are changes that dictate the need to use certain products. For example, in the case of severe skin atrophy, I choose products that I have used before, such as Teosyal Ultimate or Ultra Deep. In older patients with significant volume loss in the cheek area, I use Teosyal Ultra Deep or Ultimate fillers because they are more rigid and provide a more pronounced lifting effect.

Read also: A unique neck and décolleté correction protocol: injections for a pronounced result

But in general, for the correction of most areas of the face, in addition to cases of significant atrophy, I prefer to use fillers of the RHA line, which provide a certain level of flexibility in work, if necessary, you can adjust the depth of their injection, inject more superficially or deeply. That is why RHA dynamic fillers are really a kind of workhorse for me, which I use in my practice on a daily basis.

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