Плазмолифтинг в трихологии: показания, действие, эффект

The use of the plasmolifting method in trichology implies a complex treatment of hair and scalp, due to which the quality of the hair noticeably improves, it becomes elastic, thick, the section and loss are reduced. During the procedure, an injectable form of platelet autoplasma is released from the blood, which is a safe drug for injection into the scalp.

It switches the hair follicle into the growth phase from the dying phase with the help of hormones, proteins, amino acids, trace elements and growth factors contained in it. As a result, the inflamed flora – suppressed, and the scalp acquires a high local immunity. The advantage of plasmolifting is the exclusion of any possible allergic reactions.




Indications for the plasma-lifting procedure:

  • All types of alopecia.
  • Seborrhea.
  • Poor density and quality of hair.

Effect of the plasmolifting procedure:

  • Stimulation of collagen growth;
  • Hair loss is reduced;
  • Strengthens hair follicles;
  • Hair growth accelerates;
  • Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • Eliminates dandruff, dryness, itching;
  • Reduces hair shaft breakage;
  • Increases hair density;
  • Returns elasticity, shine, density of hair.



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