This disease affects, according to some estimates, about 10% of women who have not yet reached menopausal age, and often a cosmetologist's patient does not even know about her illness, attributing its manifestation to errors in diet or other reasons. We are talking about polycystic ovary syndrome, when hormonal disorders can lead to infertility, and the first manifestations of the disease are often observed by a cosmetologist at a clinic appointment. For what external signs of the disease should the patient be advised to consult an endocrinologist, read on

What hormonal disorders can occur in the ovaries

The causes of the development of polycystic ovary syndrome are still being discussed among scientists, but it has been found that women suffering from this disease have impaired tissue sensitivity to insulin. Due to the inability of the patient's body to properly process the produced insulin, this protein accumulates in the blood to very high values. In response, the ovaries begin to produce an increased amount of male sex hormones androgens.

Normally, during each menstrual cycle, a certain number of follicles are formed in the ovary, during ovulation one of them breaks and the egg leaves it, while the other follicles become overripe and no longer work. Under the influence of excess androgens, the ovum does not mature, the follicles do not rupture and do not overripe, but are filled with fluid and form cysts. This process leads to the fact that the size of the ovaries can increase significantly – sometimes five times.

No ovulation due to  hormonal disorders in polycystic ovary syndrome can cause infertility, and increased production of male hormones affects the appearance of a woman, although often a patient of a cosmetologist is not aware of her endocrine pathology.

External manifestation of hormonal disorders in polycystic ovaries

Symptoms of ovarian disease can appear at any age. If this happens during puberty, then the girl may not menstruate at all. Manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome are very different, sometimes isolated. The cosmetologist must necessarily assume the likelihood of hormonal disorders with the following features of the patient's appearance:

  • overweight, especially with a male-type concentration of body fat – in the abdominal region, in the form of a "lifebuoy"; around the waist, which makes the figure shaped like an apple;
  • oily skin and acne;
  • seborrhea;
  • dark pigment spots on the body;
  • bald patches on the top of the head, on the sides of the forehead;
  • excessive growth of hair on the chest and abdomen, on the face;
  • stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen.

During the interview, the patient complains of nervousness and irritability, prolonged discomfort, as in premenstrual syndrome – with edema, headaches,  painful swelling of the breast, irregular periods. In this case, the woman should be advised to have an examination and consultation with an endocrinologist.


Hormonal disorders and the joint work of doctors on their correction

Of course, only an endocrinologist can give recommendations on the treatment of hormonal disorders, a cosmetologist should only advise the patient to consult specialized specialists. Often, polycystic ovary syndrome can be manifested by increased urination, chronic skin infections, and vaginal candidiasis. The disease is diagnosed easily – polycystic ovaries are clearly visible on ultrasound.

Treatment of a patient with hormonal disorders associated with polycystic ovary syndrome must necessarily be carried out in a complex by doctors of different specialties in order to maintain quality  a woman's life.

First of all, the patient is advised to follow a specific diet and exercise regimen for weight loss, as these measures will help increase tissue sensitivity to insulin.

On the part of the cosmetologist –, if the medical effect on hair growth reduction is ineffective, various hardware methods of hair removal can be offered to the patient. A very important place in the complex approach to the correction of appearance in polycystic ovary syndrome is occupied by lymphatic drainage, which contributes to detoxification of the body, improves microcirculation. Improving the quality of the skin with the help of peels, hardware cosmetology will help improve the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

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