Chemotherapy is often used to treat cancer, which has many side effects. However, thanks to a new discovery, cancer can be treated differently.

Scientists believe that the human genetic code can be used to make faster, more accurate diagnoses, develop new cancer drugs, and improve existing treatments.

Experts also predict that the genetic revolution will eliminate the need for chemotherapy within 20 years.

Physicians hope that the treatment of rare genetic diseases will become possible thanks to the 100,000 Genomes Project, information from which will be combined with medical data. In this way, the British propose to create the most efficient healthcare system in the world.

The goal of the recently launched project – reading the genome of about 75,000 volunteers, including patients suffering from various types of cancer, as well as rare genetic diseases. Since genetic diseases tend to appear early in life, a large number of children will be involved in the project.

The plan is to take two samples for analysis from cancer patients: from the tumor and from healthy tissue. After deciphering the DNA, the information obtained will be combined with data from the patients' medical books.

Patients will be provided with information that will help cure their ailments. For example, data may show that a certain drug will work well for a rare disease that is diagnosed in the course of a study.

Universities and pharmaceutical companies will be able to access the disease database and use the information to develop new diagnostic tests and drugs.


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