We can talk about emotions endlessly and a lot, but the most important thing, in our opinion, is that emotion – it is an experience. A person feels, and therefore experiences. Every day we experience many emotions – pity, joy, jealousy, fear, bliss, anger, love, indifference, etc. – the flow of words defining different types and shades of subjective feelings can be endless.

All emotions are very important in the life of every person. They, in fact, make up this very life. It would seem that what else is not known about the feelings that fill our being? However, we will try to surprise you and present some interesting facts about human emotions.

Human emotions and feelings – this is interesting

  1. It is known for sure that a person is capable of experiencing more than a hundred emotions. But these are only those that are reliably known.
  2. The most controversial of all emotions – happiness, because it conveys many nuances: euphoria, joy, bliss, tenderness, etc.
  3. This idiom – "feel with the guts." And its existence is absolutely justified, since the emotions that we experience greatly affect the autonomic nervous system. And under her "patronage", in turn, are the main functions of the body.
  4. Surprisingly, if you imitate a certain emotion for a long time, anger or hatred, for example, then these feelings will really "cover" you.
  5. Only 1 percent of people can completely hide their emotions from others.
  6. The representatives of the stronger sex experience the same emotions as the ladies. It's just that we are taught to express our feelings in different ways.
  7. Emotions – the most powerful incentive for anything. It is they who encourage us to survive, communicate, produce our own kind, etc.
  8. We are able to express the full range of emotions and feelings with the help of 43 muscles that Mother Nature has endowed us with (it is this number that is responsible for facial expressions).
  9. Emotions are universal. Experiencing identical emotions, the inhabitants of any corner of the planet and facial expressions are similar. Unlike the triggers (the so-called triggers) of our feelings: they are certainly different.
  10. The duration of emotions can vary from a fraction of a second to several minutes. Unfortunately, we experience negative emotions longer than positive ones.
  11. Love is not an emotion. This state is characterized by the fact that being in it, a person can experience a whole range of feelings: glee, despair, longing, sadness, etc.
  12. 10 percent of people are unable to express how they feel. This psychological state is called alexithymia. It is difficult for a person to verbally describe his feelings, to separate one emotion from another, and, not understanding his feelings, he cannot understand the moods of those around him.
  13. "Mechanism" the work of emotions is not noticeable to a person: they trigger physical sensations, cognitive processes, and influence behavior.
  14. People who are "addicted" on Botox injections, are still able to experience emotions. These beauty injections immobilize certain facial muscles, so it often seems that your interlocutor feels absolutely nothing. However, it is not. As for alexithymia in combination with Botox, – this is already a serious problem.
  15. It turns out that qualitatively "forge" emotions are not so easy, because they are very contradictory. Even great actors are not always able to control all the muscles of their face.
  16. Among the many characteristics of emotions, there is one: they are contagious. Moreover, negative emotions are contagious to a greater extent than positive or neutral ones.

Do not forget that negative emotions can change a person's face very much. Therefore, smile more often and try to find more happy moments in life. 

Read also: Signs of a sociopath: how to protect yourself from his influence

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