If the eyes – the mirror of the soul, then the oral cavity – health mirror. Or rather, ill health, since problems in the mouth are often a reflection of diseases of various organs of the body. This idea, which has found confirmation in recent years, was put forward in the last century by Dr. Weston Price. “People associate gum disease with dentistry without thinking about the seriousness of the infection in the mouth, from which bacteria can enter the bloodstream,” said an American dentist. After all, both mild ailments and serious illnesses can be interconnected with the condition of the teeth, mucous membranes of the mouth and lips. Therefore, estet-portal.com. advises: read lips, as well as teeth and gums.

Dry mouth = diabetes

Due to the fact that in patients with diabetes, fluid is intensively removed from the body and the function of the salivary glands is inhibited, there is a feeling of dryness and stickiness in the mouth.

Bleeding gums = hormonal imbalance

Basically, this situation is observed in pregnant women, as well as in women during menopause. The reason is just a hormonal imbalance. During menstruation, the gums in women become especially "impressive", so during this period it is better to avoid visiting the dentist.

Bright red lips, swollen tongue = lack of nutrients

Redness in the corners of the lips indicates a lack of vitamin B6. A swollen or shiny, red, fleshy tongue usually indicates that there is little iron in the body. A pale, bloodless tongue occurs with anemia.

Scientists believe that the condition of a person's mouth can even determine how long they live.

Cracked tooth enamel, crumbling teeth = gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

There is an erroneous opinion that the teeth crumble in those who grind their teeth in their sleep. In fact, the culprit of the destruction of tooth enamel – stomach acids released during sleep. When they pass from the stomach through the esophagus into the mouth, gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs. Acids corrode the enamel, and even a low pH level of the oral cavity does not save the situation. Also, crumbling teeth are observed in diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency.

Bad breath = stomach problems

If even with excellent oral hygiene, the breath is not fresh, there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for example, a sharp increase in the number of bacteria in the stomach. Also, bad breath can be in diseases of the kidneys, liver. If you have diabetes, it will be a rotten smell, similar to the smell of fermented foods.


Eaten teeth, headache = tension

Eaten teeth and morning headaches – This is just a consequence of the night gnashing of teeth. Unfortunately, damaged teeth – this is just the beginning. Bruxism (the medical name for grinding teeth) affects the entire chewing apparatus, from the bones to the maxillofacial muscles. Neck pain may also occur. Migraines associated with bruxism are more common in women.

Ulcers = gluten intolerance…

…as well as a lack of trace elements, such as zinc. The first thing to do when sores appear in the oral cavity is to introduce foods rich in zinc into the menu. Ate did not help – urgently to the gastroenterologist to be checked for gluten intolerance and the presence of celiac disease (a disease associated with indigestion).

Gum disease = heart problems

Bacteria living in the mouth can easily enter the blood vessels. Even mild periodontal disease can affect the health of the entire body. Weakening of the immune system and "subversion" bacteria in blood vessels often leads to serious coronary artery disease. Severe forms of periodontal disease increase the risk of coronary disease by 6 times!

Endocrinologists and cardiologists rarely pay attention to the condition of the oral cavity of patients. However, the latest research proves that problems in the oral cavity may indicate more serious diseases than, for example, gingivitis or periodontitis.

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