Studies show that only 3% of the fair sex have never indulged in sexual fantasies. Moreover, sexologists argue that fantasies are absolutely necessary for a woman to reach the peak of pleasure. The main function of Her erotic fantasies – the safe pleasure of uncovering and acting out her unconscious drives. Women's fantasies are much more symbolic than men's, which is why most of them should not be attempted to be literally realized. However, understanding what desire is hidden in her dreams can transform your sex life fabulously.
Sex with two men
This is the most popular of women's fantasies. It can be called a reflection of the evolution of – it is natural for a woman in society (like a female in the animal world) to make a choice. Which, in fact, is the engine of progress. The situation when a woman finds herself in the same bed with two partners is psychologically attractive for her by the possibility of delaying the need for choice indefinitely. Sex with two men symbolizes the boundlessness of female attraction. Sexologists call this fantasy quite understandable from the point of view of the physiological needs of a woman. Erogenous zones are scattered throughout the female body in such a way that it is impossible for one partner to stimulate them all at the same time. Two partners promise twice as much pleasure.
Why not? The direct implementation of this fantasy is likely to destroy your relationship. Men are very jealous of what they consider to be theirs, and react sharply to competition. Before deciding whether or not to make a threesome a reality, take into account that after such experiments, trust in each other is lost forever in the vast majority of cases. Your relationship will never be the same. However, the light option is quite acceptable: try to diversify intimate relationships with the help of games and toys without involving third parties in your bed. A very small additional incentive is enough – the rest will be worked out by your partner's imagination.
Violence Games
This fantasy rivals threesomes in popularity. No, your girlfriend does not dream of meeting a maniac in a dark alley in real life. But the staged rape tickles her nerves, like walking on a razor's edge.
Hard sex, rape, group sex, male domination in any form – such fantasies cause a woman to experience acute arousal. They implement the idea of subordination, the passive role originally characteristic of the feminine principle. The power of the stronger makes it an "object", freeing it from responsibility for the pleasure experienced and removing the feeling of guilt. "It's not my fault, he came himself," he rudely took possession of her and caused an orgasm. In addition, in such scenarios of games of violence, being in the borderline state between pleasure and pain causes extremely intense emotional reactions.
Why not? The vast majority of men fantasize about dominance, so it is worth a try to realize these erotic dreams of each other. Remember to agree on signs in advance that will give the two of you the opportunity to stop each other at the right time. And don't overdo it.
Sex in nature
Women often dream of having sex in nature. This is not necessarily due to demonstrativeness, exhibitionistic craving for exposure in public places, although all these aspects are present in such a fantasy. But what is more important is that in sexual arousal a woman feels the manifestation of the universal laws of the universe. Therefore, sex in nature is so desirable and harmonious – he allows her to feel and manifest the primitive female essence. Connecting with a partner in the bosom of nature, a woman feels like a part of – animals, and, obeying instinct, allows herself to indulge in unbridled passion.
Why not? There is no reason to deny yourself this pleasure, because sex in nature can be vivid and memorable. Suitable weather and minimal preparation will help you quench her wild passion.
Spying on his masturbation
Many women dream of watching their partner masturbate. Peeping by nature – an active form of sexual attraction, where the peeping – subject - observes the object. This fantasy reveals a woman's desire to take on a male active role in sex. In addition, there is a social prohibition in autoerotic actions: we are brought up with the idea that it is shameful to masturbate. The very contemplation of breaking this taboo is incredibly exciting. Add to this the eternal female curiosity: focusing on getting pleasure, a man touches himself in the most pleasant way for him, with optimal pressure for him, at the right rhythm and pace. The opportunity to possess this knowledge attracts a woman,
Why not? Masturbation in front of a partner suggests a high degree of openness and trust in a relationship. But even then you have to overcome the barrier of embarrassment. However, this is exactly what can significantly improve the quality of your sexual relationship, both technically and in the ability to open up to each other. If your girlfriend wants you to show her how you do it, try playing "teacher" – just show her how your body functions, and getting pleasure from the process – side effect. This setting will reduce the feeling of awkwardness to an acceptable exciting level. A good option – offer to break the taboo in a mirror: masturbation in front of each other will make you "accomplices", while the degree of excitement will be close to the maximum.Sex with a woman
For many women, this fantasy – beloved. The fact is that homoeroticism is generally inherent in female nature. Ladies love to look at not only each other's dresses or shoes – they enjoy looking at the breasts, belly, lips and buttocks of other women. In their youth, girlfriends hug each other, kiss on the cheek and even spend the night with each other, falling asleep in the same bed, which does not cause disapproval of adults. Something like this in the performance of teenage boys would seem very strange to others.
Why not? Indeed, why? Maybe you don't mind this scenario at all. However, your partner's fantasy of female caresses does not at all ask to be realized literally. Moreover, the other woman in your bed will seem to her more of a dangerous competitor than the embodiment of her erotic dreams. The secret homoerotic desires of your girlfriend speak of a thirst for affection and tenderness. It seems to her that a thinner woman than a man will feel her needs in bed. Be sensitive and attentive, caress her slowly, study the reactions of her body to your touch. Quivering and beautiful sex – this is what she needs now.
It is commonly believed that men think about sex much more often than women. Maybe. However, studies show that women have no equal in sexual fantasies. Men are more likely to think about sex when they are not having sex or masturbating. Most of their fantasies are of an applied, practical nature. For women fantasy – an integral part of the sexual act itself. It blooms in her imagination and allows her to reach an intense orgasm. And in any state – embodied or not – they are a great tool to enrich your sex life.
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