We drink coffee to cheer up, increase concentration and efficiency, and enjoy the magical aroma of an invigorating drink. Coffee has a lot of useful properties that determine the benefits of moderate amounts of this drink for the body. However, if we go too far with caffeine, we risk harming our health, so doctors recommend not to abuse coffee and sometimes replace it with alternative invigorating agents. To better understand what happens to the body after coffee, estet-portal.com invites you to read the information in this article.

What happens in the body after a cup of coffee?

Drinking a cup of coffee, we rarely think about how it affects the organs and systems of the human body.


This is what happens to the body after drinking coffee:

  1. During the first 10 minutes, caffeine increases heart rate and blood pressure.
  2. After 20 minutes, caffeine binds to adenosine receptors, resulting in a reduction in fatigue, the ability to concentrate and a person's performance increases. Therefore, it becomes easier for us to solve problems and make decisions.

Caffeine promotes fat burning, increased focus and performance, and muscle strength.

  1. After half an hour, the body reacts to caffeine with an adrenaline rush, so we feel energetic, and our pupils dilate, which also contributes to sharpening of vision.
  2. After 40 minutes, serotonin is released, motor neurons improve and muscle strength increases.
  3. After 4 hours, intensive breakdown of fats occurs, gastric juice is secreted.
  4. After 6 hours, the diuretic effect of coffee appears. Together with urine, vitamins and microelements necessary for it are excreted from the body, as a result of which there is a slight imbalance of potassium and calcium.

Despite the benefit of coffee for the body, in large quantities this drink is harmful. Also, do not forget that caffeine dehydrates the body, so coffee lovers need to drink enough pure water.

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