Doctors warn: the dark color of the elbows, their dryness, cracks indicate the presence of such severe diseases as psoriasis or diabetes. And they add: it is the skin of the elbows that is the passport by which others around can determine the age of a person.  

Psychologists add: most of all, such elbows betray workaholics, especially those who work at a computer. By the way, the habit of putting them on the table can also cause dryness in this area. But more often than not, dry elbows are the result of poor maintenance. And if all of the above does not apply to you, then we advise you to move on to the practical part and take care of your elbows. 

Dark business: clean elbows with coffee, whiten with potatoes  

Cleansing The first step to restore the normal condition of the skin on the elbows. It starts with water procedures. For this, it is not necessary to make special baths for the elbows (although they are not forbidden at all). It is enough to apply a special scrub during the washing procedure, which you can do yourself.

  • Coffee scrub. Mix natural ground coffee, sour cream and honey in equal proportions, apply the resulting mass to the skin. Massage for a few minutes and then rinse.
  • Before water procedures, wipe the skin on the bends of the elbows with a slice of lemon or a slice of potato. This will remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis and at the same time nourish the skin with useful vitamins.
  • After a shower, lubricate the elbows of the hands with a fat nourishing cream. The application of its layer should be thicker than on the whole body.

Nutrition helps soften rough skin and make it more elastic. This procedure does not require special costs. Suffice it to recall the experience of the empresses, who oiled their hands at night and then put on cotton gloves on them. Regarding the elbows, this procedure is identical, with the only difference being that swabs soaked in unrefined vegetable oil should be applied to them, and then wrapped with plastic wrap. Keep all night. Remove and rinse in the morning.

  • Add a couple of drops of essential oil (tangerine, avocado) to the nourishing cream and lubricate your elbows with it.   
  • Mix glycerin and vinegar essence in equal proportions, apply to the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Whitening of darkened skin on the bends of the elbows can be done with the help of improvised means, or rather, vegetables (cucumbers, potatoes), citrus fruits (lemon), oils (vegetable). It is enough to wipe them daily with problem areas. You can also do the following procedures.

  • Linseed oil compresses. Apply swabs soaked in linseed oil to the elbows for 2030 min.
  • Baths. In 2 liters of warm water, mix starch and baking soda (1 tablespoon) in equal proportions. Dip your elbows in the water and hold them for 20 minutes, then grease with cream. Course two weeks.
  • Peelings. Mix in equal proportions oatmeal with honey (2 tablespoons each). Introduce a beaten egg yolk and apply everything to the skin. Keep for 10 minutes, then rinse.

Testament of Peter I, or Why it is better not to put your elbows on the table 

Beautiful clean elbows require not only careful care, but also compliance with a number of rules.

Watch your hands. Everyone remembers the order of Peter I not to put your elbows on the table. But for some reason they forget to do this when it comes to a computer desk. The posture of deep reflection often forces one to lean on a hard surface, which leads to roughening of the skin in these places.
Don't forget your vitamins. Lack of vitamins in the body can cause poor elbow health. This is caused, first of all, by a deficiency of vitamins

A and E. By including foods rich in them in your diet, you can thereby significantly improve the condition of your elbows.

  • Look for vitamin A (rinol) in fruits and vegetables, berries and herbs. Champions in its content are liver, eggs, milk, pumpkin, carrots, parsley, spinach.
  • Vitamin E is found in vegetable oil, rye bread, carrots, lettuce, corn, peas, cheeses, millet.

Pay attention to the composition of the hand cream. Vitamins A, E and F nourish the skin, herbal extracts (sage, calendula, chamomile) prevent the appearance of cracks, and mint makes the skin more elastic. If these components are not in the cream, then you can add a few drops of essential oil.

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