Trataka can help relieve stress, anxiety and insomnia. In addition, thanks to this simple but powerful meditation, it is possible to improve vision by opening the dormant centers of the brain. Yoga to improve vision can help people who have poor vision or myopia. 

"Sustained gaze" – so the word "trataka" is translated. Trataka – this is one of the six basic cleansing practices of yoga, consisting of focusing the gaze and attention at a certain point. Yoga for vision helps in relieving fatigue and tension from the eyes, helps to cleanse them. In addition, thanks to such exercises to improve vision, it is possible to develop the ability to concentrate, calm the mind and relax. It is best to do trataka before going to bed.

Trataka - a set of yoga exercises to improve vision

Preparation for exercises to improve vision. 

Trataka is contraindicated in the presence of acute inflammatory diseases of the eyes and brain, as well as malignant tumors. In addition, yoga for vision should not be performed on people with glaucoma and retinal detachment.

Rinse eyes with warm water first. You need to lower your head into a container of water, then open your eyes and blink.

Sit down, straighten your back, the body should remain absolutely motionless. 

Make the following movements with your eyes:
1. Side to side;
2. Up and down (head remains still);
3. Diagonally: from the top right corner — to the lower left, then back, and then vice versa;
4. In a circle, describing the trajectory of an imaginary dial, perform 7-14 times in each direction.

Trataka using a dot or mandala

The mandala or dot should be at eye level. The gaze should be riveted to the point, you should not blink until the eyes begin to water.
After that, you need to close your eyes and concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, while it is important to keep the image of the point in front of the closed eyes as long as possible. This exercise to improve vision should be performed for 10 minutes.

Trataka using a candle

A dark room is ideal for this type of trataka. The candle must be placed in front of you at eye level (at arm's length) and lit.

1. Close your eyes, relax;
2. Open your eyes, stare at the top of the flame. At the same time, try not to move or blink, the muscles of the eyes should be completely relaxed. If the eyes get tired, they can be allowed to rest by closing for 15-20 seconds;
3. If extraneous thoughts appear, do not attempt to fight them, calmly letting them go;
4. Close your eyes for 2-3 minutes and contemplate the “imprint” fire candles on the retina. Try to keep it as long as possible with your inner eye;
5. Perform a technique called palming. To do this, you need to quickly rub your palms until you feel warmth and apply to your eyes, folding them with boats, without touching the eyeballs. Without opening your fingers, move your palms up and down, at the same time slightly shift the skin of the eyes;
6. Perform 3-6 rounds of Brahmari technique with palms resting on the manholes: inhale deeply, the stomach should round out and the chest should expand. Raise your clavicles and on the exhale hum the sound "m";
7. Stare at the middle of the flame for 2-3 minutes. After that, make circular movements with your palms counterclockwise and in the opposite direction (4-6 times). Then do the brahmari breath;
8. The gaze should now be focused on the entire flame. Expand the angle of view from the candle to the sides to the ceiling, walls and floor, come back. After that, press your palms on the area around the eyes and release, while not removing your palms from your eyes.

the stomach should be rounded, and the chest should expand. Raise your clavicles and on the exhale hum the sound "m";

7. Stare at the middle of the flame for 2-3 minutes. After that, make circular movements with your palms counterclockwise and in the opposite direction (4-6 times). Then do the brahmari breath;

8. The gaze should now be focused on the entire flame. Expand the angle of view from the candle to the sides to the ceiling, walls and floor, come back. After that, press your palms on the area around the eyes and release, while not removing your palms from your eyes.
    the stomach should be rounded, and the chest should expand. Raise your clavicles and on the exhale hum the sound "m";
  • 7. Stare at the middle of the flame for 2-3 minutes. After that, make circular movements with your palms counterclockwise and in the opposite direction (4-6 times). Then do the brahmari breath;
  • 8. The gaze should now be focused on the entire flame. Expand the angle of view from the candle to the sides to the ceiling, walls and floor, come back. After that, press your palms on the area around the eyes and release, while not removing your palms from your eyes.
  • After that, make circular movements with your palms counterclockwise and in the opposite direction (4-6 times). Then do the brahmari breath;
  • 8. The gaze should now be focused on the entire flame. Expand the angle of view from the candle to the sides to the ceiling, walls and floor, come back. After that, press your palms on the area around the eyes and release, while not removing your palms from your eyes.
  • After that, make circular movements with your palms counterclockwise and in the opposite direction (4-6 times). Then do the brahmari breath;
  • 8. The gaze should now be focused on the entire flame. Expand the angle of view from the candle to the sides to the ceiling, walls and floor, come back. After that, press your palms on the area around the eyes and release, while not removing your palms from your eyes.


First yoga exercises for vision should last up to 20 minutes; remove your glasses before beginning meditation; If you suffer from insomnia, exercise 20 minutes before bedtime. Source  

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