Medicine and treatment

Why a sore throat: the main causes of malaise

The throat can hurt at different times of the year and in different situations. Even in summer, when it is hot, discomfort and sore throat can occur. It is not advisable to treat pain by itself, since this symptom is the body's reaction to a certain stimulus: objective or subjective. It is necessary to fight the cause of discomfort in the throat. Among the irritants and provocateurs of sore throats can be: viral and bacterial infections, allergic reactions and other irritants (tobacco smoke, the presence of chemical compounds in the air). To successfully get rid of soreness and discomfort in the throat, you need to know exactly how to act in each of the situations. Consider why the throat hurts and the features of the course of each type of infection.

Why does my throat hurt: the main reasons

  1. bacterial infections;
  2. viral infections;
  3. allergic reactions;
  4. presence of irritants;
  5. strain of the vocal cords (laryngitis);
  6. dry air.

A sore throat usually signals the development of a more complex problem in the body. It can be tonsillitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis, edema and others. The doctor can determine the exact origin of the pain after examining and examining the mucus from the nasopharynx for viruses and bacteria.

Bacterial infections: features of the course

50% of sore throat cases are due to a bacterial infection in the patient.  With the help of special studies, it is possible to determine with accuracy which bacteria are the most and which cause this symptom. To do this, you need to take a swab from the throat and do a sowing on the bacterial flora. So, why does my throat hurt and what can I do about it?

In this case, a sore throat – it is the result of inflammation of the soft tissues in the larynx. Locally, the inflammatory process can affect the pharyngeal tonsils – tonsillitis, as well as the mucous membrane – pharyngitis.


Characteristic signs of the bacterial course of the disease:

  • a sharp pain in the throat and its rapid increase;
  • the general state of health is rapidly deteriorating;
  • body temperature rises;
  • cervical lymph nodes increase less often.

What to do:

  • Consult a doctor for antibiotic treatment, after having tested for sensitivity to these drugs.
  • Be sure to gargle. What means and solutions to use for rinsing, consult a specialist. In some cases, it will be enough to gargle with salt, and in others – a stronger remedy will be needed.
  • Use lozenges.
  • In addition, antiseptic sprays (Ingalipt, Lugol) have a positive effect on removing the infection.
  • Drink more (fruit drinks, compotes, warm teas).
  • Take anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and fever.

Viral infections: what is the difference from the previous type

In this case, a sore throat is a consequence of an acute respiratory viral infection in the body. This may be an adenovirus infection, which is accompanied by pharyngitis and swollen lymph nodes. Severe sore throat and difficulty in swallowing indicate the occurrence of mononucleosis. A doctor and prescribed laboratory tests can determine the presence of a virus in the body. Severe pain and inability to swallow due to a virus are not extreme factors for which antibiotics should be taken. If there is a virus in the body, it is necessary to treat the disease with antiviral drugs.


Characteristic symptoms:

  • deterioration of general well-being;
  • sore throat gradually increases as the virus multiplies;
  • Head hurts and body aches;
  • weakness and loss of strength are felt.

What to do:

  • Take your doctor's prescription for antivirals.
  • Additional measures – as in a bacterial course of the disease.

Allergic reactions and mucosal irritation

A person can become allergic to anything, even if they have never had it before. Irritation provocateurs can be: dust, feathers, indoor plants, mold, flowers, odors, the presence of harmful fumes. The symptoms of allergies are different than those of infections: when the throat is sore and sore, the body temperature does not rise and the general condition does not worsen, but it can flow strongly from the nose.


Signs of allergy:

  • sore throat, itching and itching;
  • watery eyes;
  • sneeze;
  • runny nose.

What to do:

  • The first thing – eliminate the irritant.
  • Gargle with salt.
  • Humidify the air in the room and at the workplace.
  • Take antihistamines.

Vocal cord strain and laryngitis

A sore throat may occur after inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords. Although laryngitis can also be provoked by infections, it is quite rare. A common cause of laryngitis is a raised voice. Especially dangerous is laryngitis in children. This disease can appear after frequent allergies and recurrent laryngitis. Therefore, pediatricians warn that it is very dangerous to self-medicate laryngitis in a child, this can complicate the situation and lead to suffocation.


Characteristic symptoms:

  • hoarse voice;
  • sore throat and discomfort;
  • inability to speak;
  • no voice.

What to do:

  • Don't talk, let your vocal cords rest.
  • Plentiful drink.
  • Avoid irritants.
  • Seek medical attention.

If you are haunted by ARVI, bronchitis, coughing and the question of why your throat hurts is often raised, experienced doctors will say that there may be several reasons. To find out the true cause of sore throat, you should pass the appropriate tests and visit an otolaryngologist.

  • Comments (2)

    10 января 2017, 10:18

    Да у меня с горлом периодически бывают проблемы. Ангина, фарингит, это я проходила. В последний раз лечилась Трахисаном. Отличные рассасывающие таблетки. Мне понравились, так как за пару дней приема я уже кушала нормальную еду и горло уже практически не болело. А еще через несколько дней применения и вовсе прошло.

  • Comments (2)

    28 июля 2018, 17:45

    Хорошая статья, можно много чего вынести и взять на заметку. Спасибо Вам. Полностью согласна по поводу домашних методов, чтоб не навредить! Я максимум это заставляю полоскать горло содой с йодом. Еще калинку с подвала достаем, чай заваривваем или теплый компотик, ну это тем у кого опять же нет аллергии))

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