Paraffin therapy has an excellent effect on the skin by increasing blood flow and accelerated tissue repair. The essence of the method lies in the fact that paraffin has a rather low melting point and in a dehydrated form is not able to burn the skin. But he is able to retain heat for a long time, giving it in small portions. As a result, paraffin baths increase blood flow in the area of ​​paraffin application and accelerate cellular metabolism in this area. At the same time, infiltrates resolve, tissue repair is accelerated, which is especially important in the treatment of injuries. But cosmetologists have found their own application for paraffin therapy.

The use of paraffin therapy: why it is useful

The temperature of the skin under a layer of paraffin applied to it rises by one and a half to two degrees. This does not lead to overheating or, even more so, to a burn. But at the same time, blood flow and lymph flow increase, intercellular spaces increase, pores open, the stratum corneum softens, sweating increases. At the same time, toxins thrown onto the surface of the skin remain on the paraffin layer, but the released moisture is absorbed back due to the small size of the molecules and moisturizes the skin.

Since paraffin can shrink by 10-12% when it dries on the skin, paraffin therapy compresses the skin, helping to increase its elasticity.  Paraffin therapy is especially good in cases where the skin needs regeneration, especially due to the age of the patient. Due to the increase in cellular metabolism, recovery processes are accelerated, the skin looks younger, becomes soft and smooth, and its small lesions heal quickly.

The increase in skin temperature during paraffin therapy helps to relax muscle tension, improve the functioning of the joints and ligaments, and relieve pain.

Indications for paraffin therapy in medicine and cosmetology

Paraffin therapy is especially widely used in medicine:

  • treatment of fractures and dislocations, problems with ligaments and muscles, arthritis, sciatica;
  • treatment of diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pleurisy, tracheitis);
  • treatment of certain gynecological diseases;
  • dermatological diseases (scars, lichen, neurodermatitis);
  • burns, frostbite, Raynaud's disease, trophic ulcer.

In cosmetology, paraffin therapy has found application in the field of combating age-related skin changes (especially in relation to the skin of the hands); with increased dryness of the skin and with manifestations of cellulite.


How is paraffin therapy carried out and who is contraindicated for it

There are a number of methods for conducting paraffin therapy, which differ, by and large, only in the technique of applying molten paraffin to the skin in the right places.  So, for example, paraffin can be layered with a brush and sprayed with a spray bottle, applied in pure form or mixed with fish oil or essential oil, immersed hands or feet  in a paraffin bath or apply on the skin area in the form of an application. In gynecological practice, even tampons with paraffin are used.

Paraffin therapy gives a wonderful effect in combination with the application of nourishing or therapeutic creams, mud therapy, clay wraps. The procedure is contraindicated for the following problems:

  • varicose veins;
  • heart problems, high blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • open wounds;
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases.

After the paraffin treatment, you need to rest indoors for at least half an hour, especially in the cold season.

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