The use of the ultrasound method in the early postoperative period is based on anti-inflammatory, absorbable and analgesic effects. Ultrasonic vibrations contribute to the normalization of blood and lymph circulation, activation of cell metabolism, restoration of local tissue resistance and resistance, increase in elasticity of connective tissue, as well as streamline its structure, preventing the formation of coarse fibrous tissue, have a defibrosing effect.
High-frequency microvibration has a destructive effect on bacterial cells, and activation of enzymatic activity leads to the cleansing of the inflammatory focus from pathogenic microflora, reducing the compression of nerve endings.
Thus, ultrasound is a highly effective method of restorative treatment after plastic surgery on the face and body. It is also carried out for prophylactic purposes in the treatment of hypertrophic and kyloidal scars, infiltrates and bleeding, pigmentation disorders. Not less than 7-8 days after the operation period, ultrasound therapy is also carried out. The intensity is selected purely individually, based on the subjective feelings of the patient. Ultrasound therapy is necessary for the correction of scars, the defibrosing effect is achieved with high-intensity exposure until a feeling of warmth appears. The duration of exposure is 3-5 minutes per zone. The total duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes. Medicinal ultraphonophoresis is also used, which enhances the effect of ultrasound. In the early postoperative period, ultraphonophoresis with enzymes (lidase, lophydase, hyaluronidase, fermoncol) is indicated. Treatments using corticosteroid drugs are highly effective. Maximum results are achieved in the prevention of pathological scarring ("Kontraktubeks" and "Mederma").
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