Bejel (Arabic syphilis) is an infectious disease characterized by lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, bones and joints, but without visceral and neuralgic pathology.

Bejel etiology

Treponema pallidum type M is considered the causative agent of the disease (pallid treponema type S - the causative agent of syphilis). The causative agent of bejel does not differ in its biological and morphological data from the causative agent of yaws, which, in turn, differ little in clinical manifestations. This is due to the influence of climate and the racial characteristics of the population of endemic zones.

Bejel epidemiology

The disease was first described in 1928 among Arab nomads, inhabitants of Syria. At the present stage, cases of bejel disease are recorded mainly in the countries of the Middle East, in particular in Syria, Yemen, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and also in a number of African countries.

Bejel transfer routes

The source of the infection is a sick person. Infection occurs through non-sexual contact with the patient, as well as through household items. Most often, children get sick. The spread of the disease is facilitated by the low sanitary and hygienic level of culture of the population, especially among some nomadic tribes.

Bejel Clinic

Bejel clinic resembles syphilis, but lacks primary chancre, visceral manifestations, and congenital forms. Distinguish between early and late bejel periods.

Early Bejel period

The incubation period ranges from two to six weeks. The primary chancre occurs at the site of penetration of the pathogen and has minor manifestations - it is a papulo-vesicle, which quickly disappears. Lymphangitis and lymphadenitis are absent. A papular rash appears - erosive papules mainly on the oral mucosa, in the genital area and around the anus. The elements of the rash are round or oval, bleed, covered with a gray film. Papillomatous growths develop on erosive surfaces. A skin rash of an erythematous-vesicular nature may occur, which forms arcs or rings. All previously clinical manifestations are contagious, a large number of pale treponemas are found in the rash.

Bones are affected, often tubular. Osteitis and osteoperiostitis occur. As with early yaws, bone symptoms disappear without a trace and without destructive changes.

Late Arab syphilis

Clinical manifestations occur several years after the onset of the disease. The late period is preceded by a long latent period without clinical manifestations. The only sign of infection in this period is a positive serological reaction. Clinical symptoms resemble those of tertiary syphilis. A rash may develop. There is osteitis, periostitis, gummous bone lesions develop with further destruction. The nervous and cardiovascular systems are not affected.

Bejel Diagnostics

Bengel is diagnosed on the basis of clinical manifestations, bacterioscopic detection of the causative agent of the disease, a positive serological reaction.

Bejel treatment

The treatment for bejel is the same as for yaws. Provides for the use of etiotropic drugs aimed at eradication of the infectious agent. Prescribe penicillin or its durant preparations. You may also be interested in the following articles: Herpes simplex virus type 2 Ureaplasmosis Mycoplasmosis

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