Частная медицинская практика: плюсы и минусы работы на себя

Many young practitioners in the field of aesthetic medicine prefer more comfortable and less stressful working conditions at the beginning of their career, and therefore start their practice as members of a team of private clinics.

However, some professionals who are willing to take risks open their own offices or clinics. This option gives more freedom of action, and allows the doctor to regulate the work schedule and income. On estet-portal.com read more about the main pros and cons of working for yourself in the beauty industry.

Controlling working hours: the main advantage of private medical practice

Aesthetic medicine for a doctor – this is an area that allows you to better manage your personal time. Working in the beauty industry makes it much easier to strike a balance between work and personal life. This area allows you to work a shorter amount of time and receive a higher income.

Being self-employed and having his own client base, the doctor can easily adjust his work schedule, seeing patients when he wants to.

Working in a private clinic, a specialist loses this advantage, because he has clearly defined hours for patients. Moreover, many private medical institutions also work in the evenings and weekends, since this is the time of the greatest flow of clients.

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Income stability: which is better - self-employment or self-employment

Being self-employed, the doctor has the ability to control pricing. The first thought that this will allow you to immediately get high profits – wrong. Indeed, the price of the service includes the rental of premises, and the cost of advertising, and utilities, and the materials used.

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In this regard, in the first year of private practice, the doctor may receive minimal or no profit at all. Of course, over time, with proper planning and advertising – the situation will change, and the profit of a doctor working for himself will be higher than that of an employee. Working for a private clinic, the doctor receives a stable, most often hourly income, which allows him to save nerve cells.

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Marketing: the main issue of private medical practice

How to promote your services correctly and effectively is a question that worries every doctor who decides to start his own business. And to tell the truth, this is really not an easy task, so for many, working in a private clinic is much more attractive, because large private medical institutions often have an entire marketing team that has more experience and financial capabilities in promoting the services of the clinic.

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Thus, it is important for a self-employed doctor to establish a reputation and build a client base when starting a private practice. However, in the future this will not be enough for successful business development. Therefore, promotion on the Internet, and in particular social networks, is of paramount importance.

Thus, while self-employment can be quite tiring at the beginning of the practice, over time, all costs are more than often paid off, especially in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Read also: 5 top rules for how doctors should behave on social networks

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