Дефицит гормонов, солнце, кожа: как справиться с дерматопорозом

The general knowledge about osteoporosis is usually that in age patients, under the influence of insufficient hormone production, structural changes in bone tissue begin. The dermal layer of the skin, like the bone, consists of clasts, and under the influence of hormone deficiency, they also become empty, leading to progressive atrophy of the dermis. The cause of dermatoporosis can also be uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs. And under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation, skin with dermatoporosis rapidly ages. How to maintain the skin's strength and slow down its aging against the background of dermatoporosis, read on estet-portal.com.

Hormone deficiency against the background of perimenopause – one of the causes of dermatoporosis

The time of perimenopause is characterized by a deficiency of somatotropic and estrogen hormones, which leads to changes in metabolic processes, including in the skin. Most skin cells (fibroblasts and sebocytes, melanocytes and keratinocytes) have receptors that are sensitive to sex hormones. Hormonal deficiency disrupts the course of metabolic processes in the skin, causes dermatoporosis and microcirculation disorders, manifestations of other clinical signs of aging.

The first signs of developing dermatoporosis – this is increased dryness of the skin, the manifestation of flabbiness and fine wrinkles, a violation of elasticity and a loss of clarity in the contour of the face oval.

Adequate production of sex hormones during perimenopause or their intake from the outside with replacement therapy helps to maintain the thickness and elasticity of the skin, and prevent drying.

Deficiency of the hormone estrogen allows the activation of free radicals, which enhance the processes of glycation and provoke damage to elastin and collagen fibers, disruption of the absorption and production of hyaluronic acid, and depletion of the lipid layer. All this leads to dermatoporosis, which is manifested by gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues of the face.

Dermatoporosis of the hands has a specific course. The skin of the hands all our life experiences an increased load from various external factors, and therefore ages more intensively than on the face or other parts of the body.

Almost all layers are exposed to age-related destruction:

  • the epidermis is thinning;
  • adipose tissue atrophies;
  • brush becomes skeletonized;
  • skin looks pigmented parchment.

Skin defects are often accompanied by joint deformities and spontaneously appearing hematomas. Without proper cosmetic care, the aging process of the skin of the hands proceeds rapidly.

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Why Hormone Deficiency Combined with Sun Exposure Exacerbates Dermatoporosis

Dermatoporosis, aggravated by photoaging of the skin, is more difficult. Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation on skin with dermatoporosis causes actinic aging.

Because of the running cascade of biochemical processes, the cells of the deep layers of the skin are damaged:

  • the synthesis of hyaluronic acid progressively decreases;
  • glycation increases;
  • cell membranes are damaged.

Ageing patients of a cosmetologist often notice that hormonal fluctuations, characteristic of the perimenopausal period, cause an unusually strong skin reaction to the sun. This is due to the fact that in dermatoporosis, the production of inflammatory markers is more intense in response to skin damage by the sun. Inflammatory processes develop in the dermis, aggravating the condition of depleted and irritated skin. It increases dystrophic changes related to the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid.

Dermatoporosis Skin Care Program

The following cosmetic programs will help to cope with progressive dermatoporosis and slow down the aging process:

  • skin rehydration – moisturizing masks, hardware techniques with moisturizing cocktails, microcurrents and phonophoresis with hyaluronic acid;
  • antioxidant therapy – not only topical, but also with the use of bioactive additives;
  • topical peptide therapy – extremely important treatments for dermatoporosis, especially effective when combined with similar home care;
  • dynamic phototherapy – perfectly corrects vascular changes in dermatoporosis, fights the manifestations of glycation;
  • use of retinoids – the use of drugs with retinol derivatives in dermatoporosis complicated by skin photodamage restores the skin structure, strengthens capillaries, fights pigmentation.

The patient should be explained that using doctor-recommended sun protection, moisturizing the skin, taking antioxidants – all these measures will slow down the irreversible aging processes in the skin and will allow avoiding many aesthetic problems in the future.

Read also: A unique combination of techniques for an effective non-surgical facelift

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