Formation of wrinkles on the face – the most characteristic feature that reflects the aging process of the body. In the modern world, the desire to preserve youth and beauty for as long as possible is natural and understandable, because the appearance – it is the calling card of every person. If in order to see small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, you need to look closely, even being close to a person - & nbsp; wrinkles on the forehead, in most cases, are pronounced. Not all patients are ready to go under the plastic surgeon's knife to get rid of these signs of aging. Currently, an alternative method to the classic forehead lift is a mesothread lift.

Tightening with mesothreads will help to "erase" forehead wrinkles

The gravitational sagging of the forehead skin is often expressed to a small extent, but this also affects the overall picture of the face. The most pronounced manifestation of the aging process in the forehead is the formation of horizontal wrinkles, which are associated with hypertonicity of the frontal muscle and overstretching of the skin.

At present, mesothread lift is the most effective and least traumatic method for forehead lift and wrinkles in this area.

Several modifications of mesothreads are used, which can be combined with each other. Lifting with mesothreads allows you to get an aesthetically attractive result of lifting the eyebrows and forehead.

Mesothread lift:

  • method of tightening with mesothreads with bidirectional notches;
  • features of using spiral mesothreads for forehead lift;
  • in what cases is a tightening with linear mesothreads performed.

Method lifting technique with bidirectional notches

To eliminate the effects of age-related tissue displacement in the central and lateral areas of the forehead, the best option is to use mesothreads with bidirectional notches. The procedure is as follows:

  • the needle is inserted at the hairline towards the eyebrow;
  • the end of the needle should subcutaneously cross the eyebrow, dropping 3-4 cm below it;
  • then the needle is withdrawn, the thread is pulled and cut at the level of the skin.

Mesothread lift requires an average of 3-4 threads per side, but it is important to be mindful of gender differences. The female eyebrow has the shape of an arc, while the male – it is almost a straight line, without pronounced bends.


Features of using spiral mesothreads for forehead lift

Subcutaneous implantation of spiral mesothreads – This is the best option for eliminating wrinkles and dermal skin breaks. The beautician chooses the size of the material in accordance with his skills and personal preferences. The number of threads should be such that they can cover the entire area of ​​wrinkles. In most cases, no more than 10 threads are sufficient. Tightening with mesothreads of this form makes it possible to increase the internal volume of tissues at the injection site of the threads and thus smooth out the skin relief. In the future, the presence of mesothreads in the tissues helps to improve the architectonics of the dermis in the area of ​​wrinkles.

In what cases is a tightening with linear mesothreads

If the patient has an excess of atonic and loose skin on the forehead – the best effect in this case can be achieved by lifting with linear mesothreads. Such threads are a kind of sealant of the dermis and can reduce the area of ​​the skin flap and reduce the depth of wrinkles on the forehead. In addition, with the use of linear threads, the effect of an indirect brow lift is achieved. On average, this procedure consumes from 10 to 20 threads, which must be inserted from the bottom up with an interval of about 1 cm parallel to each other.

Mesothread lifting will help even out the skin texture on the forehead and reduce the severity of horizontal wrinkles.

This effective technique can be used alone or as an adjunct to other interventions in the forehead area.

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