Формула идеальной акции для косметолога: как привлечь и удержать клиентов

Promotions – a common method that cosmetologists use to attract new and keep existing clients active. Is it always right to choose a promotion and what are the alternative ways to switch the attention of the audience from competitors to yourself – this is the subject of a separate discussion.

In this article estet-portal.com Irina Shrainer – certified ICU coach, business coach for training BEAUTY segment specialists in customer service, sales, personnel management, head of the Qualification and Knowledge Audit Department at TOTIS will analyze the most effective templates and formulas for a successful action.

Irina Shrainer – certified ICU coach, business coach for training BEAUTY segment specialists in customer service, sales, personnel management, head of the Department of Qualification and Knowledge Audit xxxx> What is needed to create a working stock formula Intuitive creation of promotional offers does not always give the economic result that the beautician expects. Contrary to intuition, there is a systematic approach based on the study of a huge number of proposals with a high buyer response.

Following the proposed algorithm step by step, you will protect yourself from financial losses and disappointment.

The essence of any action (synonymous with – marketing activity) is precisely in creating a greater than usual flow of customers. The target audience of the promotion can be both existing and new customers, sometimes it is worth doing promotions that "reanimate" those who stopped coming to you. 

If you made a share

, which almost always means that you lost margin (net profit) from one procedure, and at the same time did not grow in – so the action was a failure. This is a very accurate and extremely simple landmark –

client growth


The formula of a working action requires detailed analysis and attention to detail, it's like learning a new needlework technique – at first it is slow and not very confident, but once you persevere and focus on what you are doing, it immediately becomes easyo.

First self-service platform for cosmetologists launched

How a cosmetologist can attract clients: effective templates and promotion formulas

Promotion Formula:

Any Template + Selling Offer (Benefit*Deadline*Call to Action) + Vibrant Packaging

So, the first value in our – "Any template"

. What is it and where can I get it?

Promotion template

– essence of what you offer to the client. Your proposal can be formulated in any way, but in the vast majority of cases it will correspond to one of the patterns discussed here, simply because it is very difficult and risky to come up with something new in terms of predicting the effect.

In large companies, it is customary to spend 90% of the advertising budget on promotions using well-known, working templates and only 10% to invest in innovative templates.

We will look at

five classic patterns.

Three of them are clear, well-known, often used and undoubtedly give excellent results. The two templates may seem controversial to some, but they are not so well-worn, which means that those customers who you usually miss

will like.

Cosmetologist promotion template 1. Discount from ___%

The first thing we remember –

discount size should be significant for the client: not 5, not 7 percent, but at least 25.

Second – we can give a discount even less, but then you need to add a game element, for example "Weather Discounts" – you give a discount such as how many degrees are now on the street – this works well during the hot season when the goal of your promotion is to get more customers at an unpopular lunch hour.
You can, for example, give a promotion from 20 to 60% and determine the discount by rolling a dice.

The template is old, but nothing can stop you from adding a little creativity to it


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Cosmetologist promotion template 2. Gift with purchase

For the offer (sales offer) of such a promotion to be attractive, the gift must be valuable to the customer. But how not to work at a loss? This template always has a strict time limit

of the action by day or hour.

It is also worth remembering that

the value of the gift – this is, in fact, the discount that you can afford the most. For example, if a service costs UAH 1,000 and you can make a 30% discount on this service, then the cost of a gift can be up to UAH 300. What happens if you advertise a promotion that is cute but not valuable to the customer? Nothing will happen and cry your advertising budget and efforts.

This layout – a good tool to expand your portfolio of popular services and introduce new products to your pri


Cosmetologist promotion template 3. Two for the price of one (three for the price of two)

In the service sector, it is recommended to use the second option "three for the price of two" because the purpose of this promotion for you – do not sell more services, but

increase the average bill. My default image

I.e. Let's say you're running a Three Lip Boost for the Price of Two promotion. In this case, you can launch a promotion on an existing client base and significantly increase your revenue for the promotion period due to the fact that clients will come to you who might have done this procedure anyway, but they will bring you twice as much money and new customers


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Cosmetologist action template 4. Performance action

It takes a certain amount of courage to carry out such an action. These promotions are always a bit scandalous. At one time, Euroset did the action "Come to the store naked – get a smartphone for free. Such an action was designed for a wide resonance and viral distribution of the proposal.

Similar technologies are used by clothing stores that offer to tear off the thing they came in, – get a discount on new clothes.

You can come up with something similar in the message, but remember the

three pillars that the template in question stands on:


– the offer should surprise, and better – shock;

    – this promotion will not increase your sales, but will increase your awareness;
  • third
  • – set a larger than usual advertising budget, because your goal – show this creative to as many people as possible.
  • And be prepared that someone will want what you offer.
  • Example: "Spend 10,000 at one time in our salon – and we will take you home in a limousine with a bouquet of red roses. And let your man go crazy with jealousy

Cosmetologist Promotion Template 5. Mass Loss Offer

The essence of the offer is that you find something that is most often bought from you and your competitors, put it at a loss-making price for yourself (at the purchase price or even, in extremely rare cases, just below the purchase threshold) and widely offer it to customers.  The action is necessary for those who have just opened / moved / changed specialists / rebranded in order to form a flow of customers

As practice shows, if you recalculate the number of other purchases made by customers attracted in this way, then this covers the cost per share. This action should be long (a month, two, three) and widely covered in all your channels of interaction with the target audience.

There are several other classic

promotion templates: installment product/service, product tasting, pre-registration for a promotion, themed sales, etc.

All of them can be used more for work in a clinic or salon than for a private beautician, since they require the involvement of specially trained personnel.

Solving all kinds of skin problems: a unique space for patients and beauticians

But the most important thing is that the stock itself as a value kills the business. On the one hand, you lose a huge amount of profit and do not understand how this should positively affect your activity as a whole, and on the other hand, by reaching customers with the word discount, you reduce the value of your name, product and offer.

That is why we will analyze the concept of "Selling offer" from our formula below.


– this is a trade offer that has a number of features:

Aimed at a narrow target audience.

Words, symbols and context used are close and understandable to the target audience. Has obvious benefits for the selected target audience or contains a Unique Selling Proposition.

    Stands out from competitors' offerings.
  1. Responds to potential customer objections before they arise.
  2. Must contain: deadline (turn on the greed trigger).
  3. Must contain a call to action.
  4. Suppose you offered Ukrainian
  5. women 65+
  6. “Thread lifting with 50% discount. Instant rejuvenation without plastic surgery. It is unlikely that this offer can be called strong, because 99.9% of the target audience you have chosen:
  7. not puzzled by the problem of rejuvenation;

does not know what a thread lift is; does not need a discount on the procedure, does not understand the benefits of the offer;

    does not seek replacements for plastic surgery;
  • nobody even competes with you for this target audience, her choice is so absurd.
  • Now let's try to do the same, but
  • for women 40+
  • . “Maximum rejuvenating effect with minimal intervention: thread lifting – the most minimally invasive procedure that restores the elastic oval of the face in a couple of hours. Until the end of the action "-30 on the thread" 48 hours left, press {sign up}».
  • Let's analyze:

age of the target audience is chosen correctly, it is worth adding to the portrait of the ideal client that he is already familiar with cosmetology firsthand, however, by this age women are no longer helped for a long time by

care procedures

and more drastic measures are needed, they are looking for options (which means there are words that they drive into Google search and we definitely need to understand what these words are); the context is clear and accessible to a woman who takes care of herself, including visiting a beautician;

    The main objection that may arise is the cost and fear of the patient – the offer answers both objections;
  • call to action and deadline contains;
  • Before we started creating the promotion, we studied what competitors offer and there were very few similar offers, and even those offer a discount only from a certain amount.
  • It's all down to small things, the last term of our formula for an ideal stock remains:
  • "Resonant Packing"
  • . Here it is important and extremely necessary to use a creative approach in developing a visual presentation (layouts, banners for various social networks), the main slogan of the action or promotion channels.
  • Follow us on


We suggest that you implement several approaches at once in creating a package, these will be our

"hypotheses", and then use the approach "AV-analysis of hypotheses". That is, we will launch several advertising campaigns and check which of the hypotheses has the most response and brings us more patients.

Let one of the hypotheses be absolutely serious and made according to all beauty business rules: a photo of a blooming lady over 40, and a serious offer that we created above. Here we will give a link to information that thread lifting – it is not scary, moderately painful and very effective with the right choice of beautician.

The client has changed, he wants an individual, thoughtful approach, he chooses someone who could perfectly guess his pains, needs and fears. This means that it is time for cosmetologists to change, to apply in their work such approaches and practices, the use of which guarantees the result in the form of greater profits.

Second Hypothesis – advertising banner

with the inscription: "Cosmetologist Natalya Shevchuk sews better than your mother", in the same place, an exaggeratedly rejuvenated lady drawn before and after the thread lifting procedure and a button leading to the landing page (one-page site).
Many hypotheses that seem strange, stupid, and not working – turn out to be the most effective!

There can be as many packaging hypotheses as you feel comfortable running. Ideally, if all of them correspond to the concept of your brand, but at the same time they will stir up the interest of users in different, sometimes unexpected, ways. It is clear that an ideal promotion in itself, even if created taking into account all the parameters, will not work if you do not think about how you will promote it and do not take into account the peculiarities of SMM

-marketing in the promotion


Case studies of the Full Face technique for the correction of age-related changes in patients with different types of aging


Irina Shrainer, business coach of Totis

, is convinced: the main – understand that the client has changed, he wants an individual, thoughtful approach, he chooses the one who could perfectly guess his pains, needs and fears. This means that it is time for cosmetologists to change, to apply in their work such

approaches and practices, the use of which guarantees the result in the form of greater profits.

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