
Alopecia areata: causes and treatment

Гнездная алопеция: причины и лечение

Alopecia can affect everyone's head. However, if in some cases the causes of alopecia, i.e. baldness are known, it happens that it is very difficult or even impossible to establish the factors that cause such a disease in a particular case. This is exactly the situation today with alopecia areata, the causes of which doctors name only presumably.

By what signs alopecia areata is determined, as well as what treatment is prescribed for this type of baldness, Estet-portal will tell in this article. 

What is alopecia areata?

Clinically, alopecia areata manifests itself in round or oval foci of alopecia of the scalp. This is a fairly common disease. Men and women get sick equally often. The causes of alopecia areata are not fully understood, but most scientists suggest an autoimmune mechanism for damage to the hair follicles.

The foci of alopecia are characterized by clearly defined edges. The skin in the foci is not changed, there are no cicatricial changes. In the middle of the focus, you can see the empty mouths of the hair follicles, and along the periphery – broken hair. If you look at such a hair under a microscope, you can see the extension at its end – exclamation mark syndrome.

In alopecia areata, hair falls out gradually over a period of time (weeks to months). In affected areas, hair re-grows, but patches of alopecia areata may appear in new areas.

Treatment of alopecia areata

The greatest effectiveness in the treatment of alopecia areata is observed after the use of corticosteroids, which are administered externally twice a day for 2 weeks. As well as injections into the lesions of triamcinolone acetonide (3.5 mg / ml).

Since the main etiological factor –  is autoimmune, a good and stable therapeutic effect will be from the use of PRP-therapy (plasmolifting). Growth factors and cytokines are released at the PRP site, which activates local immunity and reduces the influence of autoimmune factors. The procedure is carried out 4-6 times with a frequency of two weeks.

Topical irritants (dinitrochlorobenzene, diphencyprone) can be used, which can cause pain and itching side effects. An alcoholic tincture of hot pepper is well established and is best given after topical application of lotions containing corticosteroids.

Alopecia treatment with mesoscooter

Alopecia areata or diffuse alopecia with adequate medical therapy are one of the main indications for microneedling of the scalp. Using traditional Eastern methods of acupuncture, micro-punctures of the dermaroller in the scalp area increase blood flow, which contributes to the saturation of the hair follicles with nutrients and is the strongest stimulator of the growth of "sleeping" bulbs:

Biofibre hair implantation technique – it is an effective, safe and at the same time simple surgical procedure that allows you to achieve natural hair density. Biofibre hair implantation is recommended for insufficient scalp hair and alopecia. Due to the different lengths of the thread (from 15 to 45 cm), the procedure is indicated for both men and women, regardless of age, as well as a rejuvenating procedure or when it is necessary to enhance the aesthetic results of other hair restoration methods.

  • Comments (2)

    12 июля 2017, 18:51

    Всем доброо вчера! Для начала скажу, что я сама косметолог-дерматолог. Сталкнулась с проблемой аллопеции на прямую! Гнездная аллопеция Делала все что можно, испытывала новые методики и все, все что бы могло помочь. Но все четно. Проблема остается. Но наблюдала хороший эффект после раздражающих средст , но естественно не всегда. Курсами успокоительные - тоже + эффект. И растительного происхождения тоже. Кстати имеет место быть и гормональный фон. А вот кортикостероиды вообще ни какого действиэя не оказали. Плазмолифтинг временный не устойчивый эффект. Мезококтели улучшают качество волоса, и дают пролонгированный эффект. Буду рада узнать кто излечился совсем, если это возможно и как. Спасибо!

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