The work of any doctor, including a plastic surgeon, – it's working with people. Very often, a specialist is faced with a much more difficult task than prescribing a particular procedure, operation or treatment method to a person.

It is very important for a surgeon to understand which of his patients need surgery and who should be denied.

The plastic surgeon, chief physician and leading surgeon of the Bukovina Center for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery «PlastArt» – Ruslan Humenny.

How important is it to establish rapport with the patient?

R.G.: Patient Selection — This is one of the most important tasks of a surgeon of any profile. However, if earlier we focused on who we can operate on, now we are trying to understand which of our patients is contraindicated for surgery.

After all, as they say, the best patient – the one you didn't operate on.

The most important — it is to find a middle ground between the expectations of the patient and the capabilities of the surgeon.

Of course, all surgeons are different, and each has its own individual approach to work. But we all, first of all, strive to make our patients happy.

Which implants do you use in your practice?

R.G.: I consider myself a clear supporter of anatomical implants, of which the Natrelletm implants are a great example. I rarely use round implants, in cases where breast reconstruction is necessary, or breast augmentation is performed in combination with a breast lift.

In my opinion, instead of the term "breast augmentation" better to use  «restoration of the shape of the breast». And in this case, we strive for the most natural and natural result that we can achieve using anatomical implants.

Of course, working with them is harder than with round ones, and not every surgeon can afford to work exclusively with anatomical implants.

But that's what training events are for, such as the Augmentation Mammoplasty Workshop by Allergan. They are essential for every surgeon to learn how to work with top-class products.

Which patients should be especially careful?

R.G.: It happens that a patient already comes with certain requirements. After reading some information on the Internet, a person believes that he is already able to choose implants for himself. And this is certainly the most difficult group of patients.

Selection of Implants for Augmentation Mammoplasty: Things to Remember

And it's good if by the end of the consultation they can be convinced that in addition to some subjective criteria for choosing implants, there are also anatomical features that serve as a guide for the doctor.

Best Screenplay — this is when the patient, having a certain amount of knowledge, listens to the opinion of the surgeon.

A good relationship between doctor and patient allows us to come up with the most optimal solution for breast surgery, and ultimately get an excellent result. 

Read also: Anatomy of beauty: why patients choose anatomical implants for breast augmentation

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