Every practitioner knows that in order to successfully resolve facial aesthetic problems, not only a comprehensive, but also a personalized approach is needed. Therefore, the treatment plan, preparations and recommendations for home skin care are always selected based not only on the current condition, but also on the anamnesis.
It is important to consider the features of the anatomical zone, symptoms, indications and contraindications. Based on this, the French research laboratory Universkin has developed a completely unique system for skin care, which Harry Arampatzis (Harry Arampatiz) spoke about in an exclusive interview for estet-portal.com.
Harry Arampatzis (Harry Arampatiz) – PhD, President of Universkin.
Recently you have developed a new product. What can you say about the modern beauty market and its needs?
I believe that the participants of the modern beauty market offer mainly one product that can satisfy all the needs of patients. Until today, the beauty market has not been focused on the individual characteristics of the skin of patients. We live in a world of interconnected people, and we can hear the voices of each of them through Facebook, Instagram and other social networks.
At Universkin (ed. - represented by ANK), we believe that every person is unique. And each of us, including in the context of beauty and skin care, wants to be recognized, recognized and appreciated for who he is.
We want to provide an individual approach to patients, because only in this way will they feel that they are appreciated, listened to and understood at the doctor's appointment. Our goal – implement the principle of "one patient – one doctor – one formula in cosmetics. Our mission in the market – provide each patient with a personalized skin care system. Because the effect of the procedures will be only when we take into account not only the condition of the skin, but also its individual characteristics.
Our goal – implement the principle of "one patient – one doctor – one formula in cosmetics.
What tests did Universkin pass before entering the market?
Universkin was established in 2006 (12 years ago). We have been working on technologies to create powerful anti-inflammatory agents for the skin because we believe that aging – it is nothing but chronic inflammation. Accordingly, we use a functional approach in our work.
We started developing the first product in 2008, and it was tested from 2008 to 2015. We collaborated with a team of doctors who were involved in product development and application, clinical data collection, before and after photos. About 2,000 patients participate in clinical trials of our products every year. Thus, a lot of work has been done before bringing the products to market.
Universkin products are intended for skin care at home. Is it so?
Universkin can also be used in the doctor's office directly during or after the procedure, or at home. However, in both cases, only the doctor selects the composition suitable for the patient and prepares the drug. The patient can then use the finished product at home.
Tell me how exactly the doctor creates Universkin unique for each patient?
Available active ingredients allow 1 800 054 different combinations. I don't think any other doctor has that many patients. We spend a lot of time training specialists so that they can fully feel like doctors. This means that, looking at the patient's face, the doctor selects not the brand, but the composition of the necessary product.
We are thrilled to be instilling this medical logical mindset in skin care professionals.
When an esthetician looks at a patient's face, he makes a visual assessment, makes a diagnostic conclusion, selects, for example, a HA filler to restore volume, determines its injection points and dosage, and prescribes a second appointment. If the patient goes to the therapist with a cold, the doctor, based on the symptoms and results of diagnostic measures, prescribes, for example, antibiotics, their dosage, duration of administration and the date of the re-examination.
Universkin allows the doctor to select the best possible product for a particular patient in a given period of time.
In the case of Universkin, the same medical logic works: the specialist looks at the patient's face, for example, he sees skin dysfunction, pigmentation, redness, wrinkles. Then he identifies the main problems and needs, sets priorities, asks the patient about his feelings, desired results. After that, the doctor makes a recipe from the necessary ingredients, selecting their required concentration.
In this way, we bring a logic to skin care that is missing today for both the doctor and the patient.
The logic of all manufacturing companies – sell one product to the maximum number of people. Our medical logic is fundamentally different from the existing – choose the best possible product for a particular patient, which he needs at the moment.
Recall that Universkin in Ukraine is represented by the company "Academy of Scientific Beauty".
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