
Botox® injections at different age periods: when and what to correct

Инъекции Ботокса® в разные возрастные периоды: когда и что корректируем

Effective procedures of modern aesthetic medicine help to eliminate a number of aesthetic problems of the face and body, including signs of aging. At different age periods, patients are concerned about certain problems, which, at a given age, are more pronounced.

Especially common request of aesthetic patients is the correction of mimic wrinkles, which begin to appear on the face already after the age of 25 years. To solve this problem, the effective drug Botox® is widely used today.

About the features of its use for the correction of mimic wrinkles in different age periods – read this article.

Features of Botox® in different age periods

In modern aesthetic medicine, Botox® injections are widely used to solve aesthetic problems that bother patients at different ages. from «Allergan".

The active ingredient of Botox® is botulinum toxin type A, injections of which effectively help to reduce the overactivity of mimic muscles and thus correct mimic wrinkles.

Injections of Botox® indicated for the correction of facial wrinkles such as vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows or glabellar wrinkles, as well as wrinkles of the outer canthus of the eye or "crow's feet".

Botox Injections® in different age periods:

  • Botox® injections in the age period of 25-35 years;
  • Botox® injections in the age period of 35-45 years;
  • Botox® injections in the age period after 45 years.

Injections of Botox® in the age period 25-35 years

As you know, the mechanisms of aging start in the body after 25 years, and it is at this age that the first wrinkles on the face begin to appear. The earliest mimic wrinkles are the so-called "concentration" wrinkles. - vertical wrinkles on the forehead, which are also called brow wrinkles or glabellar wrinkles. They are formed as a result of hypertonicity of the muscles of the interbrow area, namely – m. corrugator supercilii, m. depressor supercilii and m. procerus.

To correct mimic wrinkles in the glabella area, it is necessary to perform 5 injections of Botox®: 2 injections in each muscle, wrinkling the eyebrow (m. corrugator supercilii), and one injection in the proud muscle (m. procerus). Botox® injections in the muscles of the glabellar region help eliminate their hypertonicity, and, literally, erase vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows from the face, which is one of the most frequent aesthetic requests of patients in the age period of 25-35 years.

Injections of Botox® in the age period 35-45 years

Another common problem with which patients often seek help from aesthetic medicine specialists is the presence of so-called "laugh wrinkles". or crow's feet. The presence of wrinkles of the outer canthus of the eye is especially worrying for patients aged 35-45 years, in whom these mimic wrinkles are already quite pronounced.

The main role in their formation is played by excessive contraction of the circular muscle of the eye – m. orbicularis oculi. For the correction of "crow's feet" it is necessary to inject Botox® into every 3 points in the region of the lateral circular muscle of each eye – only 6 injections. It is this procedure that is especially popular and in demand among patients in the age period of 35-45 years.


Injections of Botox® in the age period after 45 years

The age period after 45 years is quite specific, since patients at this age are not so much concerned about the formation of new wrinkles, but about the increase in the severity and depth of existing ones. Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows and crow's feet after the age of 45 they become especially noticeable, much deeper and more pronounced, and patients at this age are interested in the simultaneous correction of these mimic wrinkles.

The problem is easily solved with injections of Botox®, the administration of which is indicated for the simultaneous correction of glabellar wrinkles and crow's feet wrinkles.

Thus, Botox® can be used at different age periods to effectively solve those aesthetic problems that most worry patients at a certain age. thanks you for your attention.

Вы часто применяете инъекции ГК для пациентов 65+

Article author: c Аллерган Украина

  • Comments (1)

    12 мая 2018, 19:43

    В течении 3-х лет я делаю инъекции Ботокса каждые пол года по 56 ед.Мне 70 лет и мой косметолог мне сказала,что после 65 нельзя делать т.к. может возникнуть обратный эффект....но я стол делать в 67 и результат меня радовал...

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