Peelings are one of the most popular and sought-after procedures in aesthetic medicine. With their help, you can solve a wide variety of skin problems in patients of different ages and gender. Today, a fairly large number of peels are on the market, but every year more and more perfect and effective products appear. On November 21, a new product was presented on the Ukrainian beauty market: innovative Italian peeling systems Aesthetical Innovation, presented in Ukraine by the Orka company. Specially for the presentation, Dr. Vanessa Patrici, founder and CEO of the exclusive anti-aging center in Rome "New Aesthetic Medicine", was invited from Italy, who spoke exclusively for about all the features and benefits of new peels.

Tell us, what products did you present on the Ukrainian market of aesthetic medicine today?

Today Ukraine is hosting a presentation of Aesthetical Innovation innovative peeling systems. We have the TMS 3+ Peel, so called because it creates three actions at once, the innovative Oenanthe Peel, which contains Oenanthe Saffron Extract – a plant that grows only on the island of Sardinia in Italy. We also have a Biphasic peel, which is a two-phase peel and is specially designed to correct dyschromia. And the latest Skin Review product has been specially designed  to combat stretch marks and stretch marks.

What is the main feature of Aesthetical Innovation peeling systems?

This is a completely new product formulation that works in synergy.

These preparations contain more substances that interact with each other  and which, on the one hand, cause a peeling effect, and on the other hand, give the effect of biostimulation and bioregeneration of tissues.

We can combine these peels with each other, most often they are used to combat the manifestations of skin aging. This is a wonderful solution for non-invasive biostimulation and tissue biorevitalization. We can treat blemishes, melasma and other noticeable dyschromia without having to stay at home for several days after the procedure.

What is included in Aesthetical Innovation peeling systems? First of all, it is trichloroacetic acid, which is present in all our peels, as well as kojic, mandelic and salicylic acids, retinol, vitamin C, which is also present in all peels, DMAE, which provides a lifting effect, and a whole range of antioxidants, which, together with vitamin C, allow us to fight the negative effects of free radicals. 

What results can be achieved with the use of Aesthetical Innovation peeling systems? 

With the help of Aesthetical Innovation peeling systems, we can fight against any manifestations of aging, such as skin ptosis or the formation of superficial wrinkles. We achieve excellent results in the correction of dyschromia or melasma, as well as in the fight against acne or the elimination of post-acne scars. A very important advantage of Aesthetical Innovation peeling systems, presented in Ukraine by Orka», is that  their active components work in synergy with each other, and allow us to avoid any side effects . This is also an important advantage for the patient, as he can return to his usual rhythm of life immediately after the procedure. And I would like to add that we like to call our peels not just peels, but biopeels, that is, peels, How long does the effect last after applying Aesthetical Innovation biopeels? The effect of biopeelings is prolonged, because, in addition to the exfoliating effect that any other peeling gives, our products also have a stimulating effect, that is, they stimulate the work of the main cells of our skin – fibroblasts.

After the main course of Aesthetical Innovation biopeelings, with the help of supporting procedures even once every two months, we manage to maintain an excellent result.

Another important advantage of Aesthetical Innovation peeling systems is that they can be combined with other techniques.

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