A trophic ulcer is a severe skin defect that forms on the lower extremities as a result of varicose veins or diseases associated with damage to the venous walls. The main reason for the formation of a trophic ulcer is a violation of blood flow due to vein disease, as a result of which the skin becomes inflamed and heals with great difficulty. Therefore, the treatment of a trophic ulcer primarily involves the relief of the symptoms of the underlying disease, the prevention of the attachment of a secondary infection, and the restoration of venous blood flow in the affected area.

Causes of trophic ulcer development and main symptoms

When blood flow is disturbed against the background of a disease of the venous system, blood begins to accumulate in the lower extremities, stagnate, concentrate cellular waste products that cause inflammation of adjacent tissues. The skin is in close contact with the subcutaneous tissue and thickens, inflammation progresses and takes the form of dry or weeping eczema. Since tissue nutrition is slowed down due to impaired venous blood flow, any minor damage to the skin turns into a wound that does not heal for a long time. Attachment of a bacterial infection to an inflamed wound leads to complications in the course of a trophic ulcer.

A trophic ulcer can be triggered by any disease  venous system. At first, patients complain of heaviness in the calf muscles and increased swelling of the legs, cramps at night. Then, itching, burning, pigmented areas appear in the places of skin lesions. The skin looks like varnished, thickens, looks tense and hurts when touched. Sometimes dew-like lymph droplets appear on the skin.

After some time, a whitish spot appears in the center of the area where the skin is affected, which ulcerates with the smallest damage. Further, the ulcer expands, & nbsp; deepens, looks red and wet,  covers the entire surface of the lower leg, causes pain and inflammation up to the calf muscle, tendons and bone.

A trophic ulcer is dangerous due to the risk of secondary infection, for example, a fungal one, which accelerates the progression of a trophic ulcer and worsens the prognosis of the disease. Among the possible dangerous complications – lymphedema, phlegmon, sepsis.

Diagnosis  and methods of treatment of trophic ulcers

Confirmation of the diagnosis of a trophic ulcer may be the presence in the patient's history of phlebothrombosis, blood diseases, taking hormonal drugs, episodes of prolonged placement of catheters in the veins, long immobile lying in case of injuries or serious illnesses, surgical interventions.

A trophic ulcer is usually localized on the inner surface of the leg below, the skin around is dense, pigmented, varicose damaged veins are visualized on the back surface of the leg in the area of ​​the lower leg and thigh.

Treatment of a trophic ulcer provides for the elimination of the underlying disease that caused the violation of venous blood flow, the fight against an associated infection, and the treatment of the ulcer itself. The problem is solved in a complex – phlebotonics, antiplatelet agents, antibiotics, local antiseptics, wound healing dressings. If necessary, a phlebectomy is performed, other measures are taken to restore venous blood flow in the affected limb.

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