Как бороться с целлюлитом: рекомендации от профессионала косметолога

The problem of cellulite is especially actively discussed by women before the start of the holiday season, when a distinct "orange peel" on the skin of their thighs and abdomen makes them reconsider their plans for choosing openwear for the resort. However, cellulite does not appear suddenly, it develops gradually and often imperceptibly. Experts say that cellulite in varying degrees of severity is present in almost 80% of women, and its development can begin at any age. 

Professional cosmetologist and certified trainer of OnCosmetics company Veronika Nikonenko is ready to discuss this urgent problem with readers of estet-portal.com, as well as to share   some secrets on how to fight cellulite.

How to deal with cellulite: is it a disease or a variant of the norm

There is a common misconception that cellulite only affects fat women, but this is not true.  The development of cellulite is not related to excessive fullness, and even more so to obesity, although it often accompanies these conditions. In France, for example, the Ministry of Health officially recognized cellulite as one of the diseases of subcutaneous fat. Cellulite can affect both a teenage girl and an aged lady, appear in a completely thin woman, and a person with a tendency to be overweight can flaunt elastic, smooth skin of the thighs.

From the point of view of doctors, cellulite is a structural change in the cells of the subcutaneous fat layer, due to which microcirculation is disturbed and lymphatic outflow worsens. As a result of these changes, congestion develops in adipose tissue, leading to dystrophy.

To put it simply, cellulite disrupts metabolic processes, when the cell membrane becomes impenetrable and does not release waste products accumulated there. Such cells are grouped together and form islets dense to the touch in the connective tissue. They can disrupt the blood supply to tissues or block the outflow of lymph, even compress the nerve endings, causing pain in the place of accumulation of densified cells. Densified cells are able to attract water to themselves, provoking swelling, and also increase the accumulation of calcium in fat cells, violating the elasticity of tissues.

The main cause of structural cellular changes  in the subcutaneous fat layer hormonal fluctuations become - for example, during adolescence, during pregnancy, during perimenopause. Frequent stress, poor nutrition, poor ecology, low physical activity can push metabolic disorders.

How to deal with cellulite depending on the stage of the process

Cellulite develops gradually, and there are four stages in this process, each of which requires special measures to combat this disease.

First stage. Many do not even notice it, but this stage of cellulite has quite distinct signs:

  • skin loss of elasticity in the buttocks and thighs,
  • thigh augmentation,
  • manifestation of «orange peel» when the skin in the thigh area is compressed.

What to do? The main way to deal with cellulite at this stage is to try to improve metabolism. To do this, you should normalize nutrition and drinking regimen, monitor the removal of excess fluid from the body. Massages, wraps, the use of various anti-cellulite cosmetics will help to achieve the desired result, and reasonable physical activity will consolidate the achievements.

Second stage. Skin changes are already noticeable and well palpable, since densified cells disrupt the outflow of fluid and lymph, concentrating in the subcutaneous layers. Outwardly, this stage of cellulite manifests itself:

  • hardened islands on the skin that are visible and well felt to the touch,
  • affected areas lose sensitivity.

What to do? Methods of how to deal with cellulite at this stage are reduced to the normalization of the circulation of fluids in the subcutaneous layers and the destruction of the formed seals. In this case, complex procedures with increased intensity of all anti-cellulite actions are recommended.

Third stage. "Orange Peel" becomes distinct and occupies vast areas of the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. In this case, the following changes occur in the subcutaneous layers:

  • skin sensitivity decreases due to circulatory disorders and compression of nerve endings by fatty deposits,
  • skin becomes rougher and thicker,
  • muscle tissue loses its ability to contract naturally.

What to do? How to deal with cellulite at this stage, the doctor already decides, choosing an integrated approach using both hardware and injection technologies. Anti-cellulite mesotherapy with Evolution preparations (France) is very effective at this stage. They allow in a short time to destroy thickened fat deposits and restore metabolic processes in the skin.

Fourth stage. Cellulite at this stage not only looks extremely unaesthetic, but can provoke inflammatory processes in the subcutaneous layers and even, in advanced cases, cause tissue necrosis. Externally, cellulite at this stage of development has the following manifestations:

  • skin of affected areas bluish, cold and very tight,
  • skin texture resembles spongy tissue,
  • possible atrophy of muscle tissue due to impaired blood supply and damage to nerve endings.

What to do? Cellulite treatment at this stage is a set of measures – injection, hardware, with the application of active agents to the skin. The treatment is complemented by professional massage, mesotherapy, anti-cellulite baths and body wraps. We must not forget about the diet, regular physical activity, which will help to consolidate the result.

Treatment regimens and techniques for dealing with cellulite

Cellulite treatment regimens using Evolution (France) preparations are designed for several stages, each of which is designed to solve its own task in restoring skin smoothness.

For starters, the recommended stage of exposure to the vessels – to restore blood and lymph flow, improve microcirculation. Mesotherapy is prescribed:

  • treatment of the spinal column and injections over the projection of large vessels;
  • diffuse injection, treatment of folds, if necessary, additional injections in problem areas.

After mesotherapy, an anti-cellulite program is prescribed according to the scheme.

  1. Drainage complex (drainage preparation)

Ingredients: rutin, sweet clover, ginkgo biloba, green tea extract, centella asiatica extract.

Injection technique: multi-puncture, papular, median nappage.
Dosage: 2-6 ml.
Recommended course: 1 mono-procedure or before the anti-cellulite program 1 time in 7 days, 8-10 times a course.

Expected result:

  • excretion of excess fluid and toxins from tissues;
  • reduced capillary permeability;
  • elimination of tissue hypoxia;
  • normalization of tissue water exchange.
  1. Anti-cellulite complex (anti-cellulite complex)

Ingredients: caffeine, sodium benzoate, L-carnitine, extracts  dandelion, guarana, artichoke.

Injection technique: multipuncture, papular, median nappage, infiltration.
Dosage: 3-10 ml.

Recommended course: 1 time per week for 4-5 times.

Expected result:

  • improvement of skin turgor,
  • normalization of blood and lymph flow,
  • fat reduction.
  1. Slimcomplex

Ingredients: phosphatidylcholine, sodium deoxycholate (to break down intermolecular bonds in fats), folic acid (to enhance amino acid synthesis), vitamin C, biotin.

Introduction technique: infiltration.
Dosage:   12 ml.

Recommended course:  1 time in 14 days in a course of 4 times.

If the patient has a history of urolithiasis, then the use of lipolytics is contraindicated.

It happens that during intensive treatment of cellulite, the patient notices a decrease in skin turgor. In this case, the Skin Tightening Biopeptid complex (renewal complex for firming and tightening the skin) may be recommended. The key active ingredient of this drug is Oligopeptide-24, which stimulates the processes of repair and collagenogenesis, accelerates the growth of new vessels. Its use gives the skin brightness and radiance, improves turgor.

Injection technique: multi-puncture, papular, median nappage, linear.
Recommended course: 4-8 procedures once every 7 days.

More tips on how to fight cellulite

The fight against cellulite must be carried out comprehensively – with the use of not only salon procedures and therapeutic measures, but also with the regulation of nutrition, water regime, physical activity, using home skin care prescribed by a doctor.

To enhance the effect and consolidate the results, such hardware procedures as LPG massage, electromyostimulation, electrolipolysis, phonophoresis, ultrasonic cavitation are prescribed. At home, tonic baths with herbal extracts and sea salt are recommended.

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