Как победить потливость: лечение гипергидроза с помощью ботулинотерапии

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is a particularly pressing problem in the run-up to summer. Many people suffer from excessive sweating, and it's not so much the smell that bothers them, but the constant appearance of wet spots on their clothes.

Some people resort to the help of special inserts, and someone just tries not to leave the cool room. Modern aesthetic medicine allows you to solve the problem of hyperhidrosis quickly and easily with the help of botulinum toxin.

On how to combat excessive sweating with botulinum toxin therapy, as well as the technique of introducing a toxin to correct this problem, read on estet-portal.com an interview with dermatovenereologist, chief physician of Clinic Profi +, an expert of the company Allergan, Ukrainian Aesthetics speaker Anton Leonov.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis: basic techniques

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A.L.: For the treatment of hyperhidrosis, the following can be used:

•    special aluminum chloride antiperspirants;

•    creams that contain glycopyrrolate (for hyperhidrosis in the face and head);

•    drugs that reduce the activity of the nerve fibers of the autonomic nervous system, such as atropine;

•    antidepressants;

•    BOTOX injections of the Allergan company.

Botulinum toxin temporarily blocks the nerves that stimulate sweating.

More invasive methods include microwave therapy, the main task of which is to destroy the sweat glands. There is also a surgical removal of sweat glands. Another method of combating excessive sweating is sympathectomy.

Botulinum toxin: why poison has no analogues among drugs Additional methods of dealing with hyperhidrosis


It is necessary to fight hyperhidrosis in a complex way. Sometimes the right care is enough to solve the problem of minor hyperhidrosis.

The first thing to do – is to maintain personal hygiene. Regular bathing helps to control the amount of bacteria on the skin, which allows you to cope not so much with excessive sweating as with the unpleasant odor that often accompanies this phenomenon. It is important to choose clothes, shoes and socks made from natural materials and change them often so that they also do not accumulate odor.

My default imageOver-the-counter antiperspirants containing aluminum-based compounds that temporarily block the excretion ducts of the sweat glands can help manage hyperhidrosis. It's over, it's important to stay calm, because stress only increases sweating.

Botulinum toxin treatment for hyperhidrosis

Before starting treatment of hyperhidrosis with botulinum toxin, it is necessary to find out whether it is secondary to diseases such as hyperthyroidism or pheochromocytoma. A detailed history taking is essential before this procedure. After local anesthesia, the reconstituted BOTOX® from Allergan injected with a 30-gauge needle subcutaneously at a dose of 50 units. Injections are carried out in the area of ​​​​maximum perspiration of the axillary region evenly, at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.

The zone of maximum sweating can be determined using the iodine-starch test.

Improvement occurs within the first week after the injection. Repeat treatment is carried out when the clinical effect of the previous procedure decreases, but not earlier than after 16 weeks. The average duration of the effect of botulinum therapy is 7.5 months, but many patients observe it even a year after treatment. can only be purchased from an authorized distributor.

Read also: Hyperhidrosis is easy to treat: ways to deal with excessive sweating

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