Как правильно корректировать контур губ: методы и средства

The combined use of fillers with hyaluronic acid for rejuvenation of the perioral area, for modeling the shape of the lips gives an excellent effect with a clear knowledge of the drug administration scheme.

Since the contour of the lips, their shape and volume, as well as the condition of the skin in the  around the mouth become a clear marker of age-related changes. To correct this zone, special preparations are selected, and the correct choice of injection technique allows not only to correct the lips, but also to achieve a general anti-age effect.

What age-related changes require lip contour correction

Age-related changes concern not only the skin of the face, but also the condition of the lips. The lip contour line becomes blurred and fuzzy with age, dryness of the red border develops, and the lips themselves lose their attractive volume and flatten, look narrower. The color of the lips loses its brightness and saturation, vertical folding forms on them.

One of the manifestations of age-related changes is the resorption of the bone of the upper jaw, and this process leads to an elongation of the skin part of the upper lip, smoothing of the filtrum columns.

Among other changes in the facial area due to age factors, we can note:

1. atrophy of the subcutaneous adipose tissue under the lower lip,

2. drooping corners of the mouth,

3. formation of labiomental folds,

4. formation of a horizontal wrinkle on the chin.

Significant age-related changes in appearance become for many older patients the reason for contacting a cosmetologist. At the same time, the patients are talking not only about the correction of the contour of the lips, but also about procedures that could comprehensively correct some age-related imperfections in appearance.

The right choice of filler for lip contour correction

Fillers based on stabilized hyaluronic acid are currently used to add volume, shape and contour to the lips.

The ideal filler for lip correction should have medium viscosity combined with high plasticity – this combination should provide a natural correction, as well as no risk of displacement of the filler or its migration.

Read: Facial anatomy for cosmetologists. How to bypass danger zones

If fillers with high elasticity and viscosity modulus are used to model the lips, the risk of compression of the arteries of the upper and lower lips, as well as the subsequent development of ischemic complications, is significantly increased.

Stages of lip contour correction and their shape

The choice of technique for correcting the contour of the lips, the shape of the lips and their volume is discussed with the patient, but the decision remains with the doctor, since the overall clinical picture, skin condition and other important factors must be taken into account when conducting injection modeling. Techniques can be varied, but in any case, it is recommended to follow a certain sequence.

Read: Quick guide to fillers: how they differ

Stage 1. Correcting the lip contour, filtrum columns and purse-string wrinkles.

A clear contour of the lips is created by the introduction of the filler strictly along the border of the red border along its entire length. To restore the columns of the filtrum, you need to insert a needle into the most protruding point of the bend of the "bow of Cupid"; and move it up to the base of the nose.

Next, on the reverse stroke, the needles inject the filler subdermally. If we correct the area of ​​purse-string wrinkles, then their reinforcement is carried out with a needle or cannula, while advancing occurs only to the columns of the filtrum – without crossing them.

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Stage 2. Correct the volume of the lips and raise the corners of the mouth.

If there are thin lips and a narrow red border, a cannula is used to create volume. The entry points of the cannula are made in the projection of the modiolus & nbsp; right and left. The filling filler is introduced to start – in half of the upper lip, then in half of the lower lip, then – repeat the same on the other side.

The overlap of the injected drug occurs in the middle third of both lips. The total volume of the injected drug should be no more than 0.5-0.7 ml in each lip in order to avoid overcorrection. Injections are made above the orbicular muscle of the mouth at the subdermal level.

Complications of contouring: when beauty injections are not beneficial

If there is a need to lift the corners of the mouth, then from the same access points where the cannula with the filler for volumetric modeling was inserted, we inject the drug using a fan technique into the fat pack under the lower lip.

Due to this introduction, the corners of the mouth will rise, and at the same time the severity of the labio-chin fold will smooth out.

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Stage 3. Modeling the shape of the lips and giving expressiveness

In order to get expressive sensual lips, the bolus technique of filler injection is used. Injections are carried out in the circular muscle of the mouth. Boluses should be placed strictly in the zone of the red border of the lips, otherwise there is a risk of displacement of the injected gel into the skin part of the lip and the formation of characteristic tubercles in the lips.

Accentuate the swelling of the central part of the upper lip, as well as the bend of the "bow of Cupid"; can be three boluses up to 0.3 ml, made along the border of dry and wet mucous membranes.

Read: Swelling after fillers: what to do?

If the volume of the medial lower lip is to be increased, inject two closely spaced boluses in the central portion of the lower lip, holding the needle perpendicular to the surface of the lip, using a volume up to 0.4 ml.

To get the lip modeling effect  harmonious, inject additional boluses of 0.2 ml on the upper and lower lips, then lightly massage the lips to evenly distribute the drug in the tissues and prevent the formation of conglomerates.

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The procedure for modeling and correcting the contour of the lips ends with recommendations to the patient not to drink alcoholic beverages, not to eat very hot food, not to paint the lips, not to try to massage the lips on her own during the day.

In a week, the injected filler will assimilate in the tissues, and a harmonious correction effect will be obtained.

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