Как правильно подобрать препараты для  биоревитализации кожи, предупреждающие хроностарение и фотостарение

Biorevitalization of the skin has proven itself as a method of preventing and combating skin aging. The introduction of preparations based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid allows not only to compensate for its deficiency that accompanies age-related changes, but also to influence the functioning of cells, stimulating collagen formation. Data  procedures stimulate the synthesis of extracellular matrix elements, due to this process the skin condition improves. Today, the market offers many preparations for biorevitalization, which include other components, in addition to hyaluronic acid. estet-poortal.com reminds you that it is important to choose one that will carefully correct skin defects, taking into account the patient's age and slow down the signs of aging.

Due to which biorevitalization of the skin slows down age-related changes

With age, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin gradually decreases, and its quality also changes. Accelerate and intensify this process of various kinds of damage: exposure to the skin of ultraviolet radiation, the inflammatory process of an acute and chronic nature, microcirculation disorders, the accumulation of toxins in the body & nbsp; and many other reasons. The lack of hyaluronic acid is manifested by dryness and flaking of the skin, dull color and fine wrinkles, loss of tone and elasticity.

Scientists have proven that hyaluronic acid molecules introduced into the dermis help to restore and maintain skin moisture levels. In addition, they stimulate the production of their own hyaluronic acid, trigger the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers.

During the biorevitalization procedure, hyaluronic acid is injected as a high molecular weight molecule, which allows it to stay longer in the tissues.

During this time she manages to:
•    activate metabolism in skin cells;
•    restore water balance;
•    start cellular update processes.

Gradually, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the texture is evened out, the skin seems to glow from the inside, it looks young and well-groomed. Skin biorevitalization procedure is indicated for:
•    increased dryness, thinning, flabbiness of the skin;
•    in order to reduce the influence of damaging factors;

The appointment of biorevitalization to slow down age-related changes is recommended for those who smoke, eat inadequately and irregularly, and spend a lot of time in the sun. The procedure will prepare the skin for plastic surgery and speed up recovery in the rehabilitation period after it.

Correct selection of preparations for skin biorevitalization procedure

The rational approach in choosing drugs for biorevitalization is to find the most effective remedy for a particular patient. It is selected depending on the age of the patient and should be optimal for preserving resources for skin regeneration, gentle correction of age-related changes and suspension of chrono-aging.
cleaning, contains vitamins and minerals, amino acids and other bioactive substances.

A new stage of biorevitalization – this is a differential, individual approach in the choice of drugs for patients depending on the morphotype of aging and understanding the leading mechanism for the development of age-related manifestations, which became possible due to the emergence of anti-aging drugs from the American laboratory ABG Lab.

The essence of this concept is not only to supply the skin with hyaluronic acid, but also to start the processes of internal regeneration in it. This is within the power of drugs from the American laboratory ABG Lab, the official representative of which is Emet™ – they contain unique components that stimulate the body's own stem cells and create optimal conditions for the quality of life of fibroblasts and all layers of the skin in particular.

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Meso-Wharton P199™ — contains a synthetic embryonic peptide Wharton Jelly Peptide P199™ due to which   activation of the skin's own stem cells. As a result, new, young and healthy skin cells (fibroblasts and keratinocytes) are born, the high-quality production of the components of the intercellular matrix is ​​restored. The drug is approved for use for biorevitalization in patients predominantly over 40 years old.

Indications for its use:
•    deterioration of facial skin tone and elasticity;
•    signs of gravitational ptosis in tired and finely wrinkled aging morphotypes;
•    decrease in firmness and elasticity of the skin locally in the periorbital region, neck, hands (positive pinching symptom);
•    the manifestation of senile age spots;

The drug is suitable for correction  atrophic and normotrophic scars, with striae, it is recommended before and after plastic surgery, & nbsp; after deep and medium peelings.

Meso-Xanthin F199™ (Mezoxanthin) & ndash; contains the carotenoid fucoxanthin with a complex of growth factors, vitamins, antioxidants, which restores the structure of damaged cells, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and protective effect, stimulating the work of its own antioxidant system, and protects cells from exogenous and endogenous damage.  Suitable for biorevitalization for patients over 25 years of age, but can be used according to indications even after 18 years of age, it comprehensively solves dermatological and cosmetic problems.
appears after the first injections. However, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to conduct a course of 3-4 sessions in 10-14 days.
contains the carotenoid fucoxanthin with a complex of growth factors, vitamins, antioxidants, which restores the structure of damaged cells, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and protective effect, stimulating the work of its own antioxidant system, and protects cells from exogenous and endogenous damage.  Suitable for biorevitalization for patients over 25 years of age, but can be used according to indications even after 18 years of age, it comprehensively solves dermatological and cosmetic problems.
appears after the first injections. However, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to conduct a course of 3-4 sessions in 10-14 days.

contains the carotenoid fucoxanthin with a complex of growth factors, vitamins, antioxidants, which restores the structure of damaged cells, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and protective effect, stimulating the work of its own antioxidant system, and protects cells from exogenous and endogenous damage.  Suitable for biorevitalization for patients over 25 years of age, but can be used according to indications even after 18 years of age, it comprehensively solves dermatological and cosmetic problems. appears after the first injections. However, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to conduct a course of 3-4 sessions in 10-14 days. which restores the structure of damaged cells, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and protective effect, stimulating the work of its own antioxidant system, and protects cells from damage of an exogenous and endogenous nature.  Suitable for biorevitalization for patients over 25 years of age, but can be used according to indications even after 18 years of age, it comprehensively solves dermatological and cosmetic problems. appears after the first injections. However, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to conduct a course of 3-4 sessions in 10-14 days. which restores the structure of damaged cells, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and protective effect, stimulating the work of its own antioxidant system, and protects cells from damage of an exogenous and endogenous nature.  Suitable for biorevitalization for patients over 25 years of age, but can be used according to indications even after 18 years of age, it comprehensively solves dermatological and cosmetic problems. appears after the first injections. However, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to conduct a course of 3-4 sessions in 10-14 days. stimulating the work of its own antioxidant system, and protects cells from damage of an exogenous and endogenous nature.  Suitable for biorevitalization for patients over 25 years of age, but can be used according to indications even after 18 years of age, it comprehensively solves dermatological and cosmetic problems. appears after the first injections. However, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to conduct a course of 3-4 sessions in 10-14 days. stimulating the work of its own antioxidant system, and protects cells from damage of an exogenous and endogenous nature.  Suitable for biorevitalization for patients over 25 years of age, but can be used according to indications even after 18 years of age, it comprehensively solves dermatological and cosmetic problems. appears after the first injections. However, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to conduct a course of 3-4 sessions in 10-14 days. comprehensively solves dermatological and cosmetic problems. appears after the first injections. However, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to conduct a course of 3-4 sessions in 10-14 days. comprehensively solves dermatological and cosmetic problems. appears after the first injections. However, to consolidate the result, it is recommended to conduct a course of 3-4 sessions in 10-14 days.

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