Today, patients  The cosmetology clinic offers a huge number of procedures, including complex ones related to skin cleansing. Of course, cleansing is a very important step in skin care, which is why new peel formulations are regularly released. The trend to search for the most natural skin care products possible makes cosmetics manufacturers pay attention to seafood, and not only salt, but other objects.  This is how coral peeling appeared on the cosmetology market, which includes particles of young and old corals, as well as plant extracts and essential oils.

What is special about coral facial peeling

Coral peeling is considered by some experts to be one of the safest for the patient, perhaps – due to the fact that in its composition there are practically no chemical components. However, coral peeling is classified as a superficial-medium peel in terms of the degree of impact on the skin, so careful handling is required so as not to provoke severe skin burns.

The exfoliating basis of coral peeling is a crumb of sea corals. The manufacturer of the peeling composition usually focuses on the fact that the corals in the peeling are not homogeneous: there are younger organisms that are able to penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate neocollagenesis, and older ones – having a good exfoliating effect on the epidermis.

Sea salt as part of coral peeling is designed to soften the stratum corneum, and algae extracts traditionally have a drying and antibacterial effect, prevent skin moisture loss.  Among other ingredients that can usually be claimed in a coral peel, the following are mentioned:

  • herbal extracts and essential oils,
  • proteins and amino acids,
  • vitamins and minerals.

It should be noted that the biologically active substances in coral peeling have a rather serious effect on the skin. The patient should be warned that despite the rather high naturalness of the composition, the effect after application can be obtained, as after a median chemical peel.


How coral peeling works: features of the procedure

Cleansing of the skin when using coral peeling occurs due to a fairly non-aggressive exfoliation of epidermal cells and activation of the skin restoration process by the efforts of plant biologically active elements. At the same time, abrasive particles stimulate blood circulation, carry valuable vitamins and microelements deep into the skin, activate the synthesis of new collagen and smooth fine wrinkles, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The procedure for coral peeling is similar to that for superficial-median peels: the skin is preliminarily cleansed and a peeling composition is applied to it. The time of application, the concentration of the composition and the number of layers are determined by the doctor depending on the problem being solved, the skin condition is constantly monitored during the peeling process. Coral peeling can help with the following problems:

  • post-acne spots and scars,
  • pigmentation, including after chemical peels, after injuries, after hormonal fluctuations,
  • skin laxity and fine lines,
  • keratosis, spider veins, small scars,
  • Contraindications for chemical peels.

At the end of the coral peeling, the composition is washed off the skin, a moisturizing mask and protective cream are applied to the face. It is recommended to repeat the procedure at least four times at weekly intervals.

The patient should be aware that immediately after coral peeling, the skin will look burgundy red, like after a day at the beach. Approximately on the 4th-5th day, strong peeling will begin.  For about a week after peeling, you should refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna, beach, other places with high air temperature, use serious sunscreens.

After healing, the patient will be able to enjoy even and smooth velvety skin after the first session, to combat pigmentation, you will have to wait a little longer for the results.

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