From a technical point of view, the human body is a very complex and multifunctional mechanism. The human body is thought out and built in such a way that all systems and organs in it work in close connection with each other, supporting physiological processes and helping each other in eliminating pathological ones. Each organ and structure in the human body has its own place and, of course, a change in their localization often causes a favorable background for the development of pathology. Nephroptosis – this is one of the urological diseases in which the kidney changes its location. Symptoms of nephroptosis will help to suspect and diagnose this disease in a timely manner.
Symptoms of nephroptosis: what signs will indicate the prolapse of the kidney
Nephroptosis or kidney prolapse – this is a state of its pathological mobility, in which the organ is displaced from its bed. Normally, the mobility of the kidney in the vertical position of the body ranges from one to 2 cm, and at the height of maximum inspiration – from 3 to 5 cm. With nephroptosis, the mobility of the kidney exceeds these limits, and this leads to impaired functioning of the organ. Pathology can occur both in children and adults, while women suffer from nephroptosis much more often than men, which can be explained by the structural features of the female body. Symptoms of nephroptosis often occur when the function of the kidney is impaired, so it is extremely important to pay attention to them in a timely manner.
Symptoms of nephroptosis:
- etiology of nephroptosis: why the localization of the kidney changes;
- why the symptoms of nephroptosis depend on the degree of kidney prolapse;
- symptoms of nephroptosis: clinical picture of the disease.
Etiology of nephroptosis: why the localization of the kidney changes
To date, there is no unambiguous definition of the etiological factors of nephroptosis. As you know, in maintaining the normal position of the kidneys in the abdominal cavity, the abdominal ligaments, fascia of the renal bed, muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm, fascial and fatty apparatus of the kidney are involved. Nephroptosis occurs when the physiology of the ligamentous apparatus of the kidney is disturbed. Such disorders can be caused by infectious diseases that reduce the activity of the mesenchyme, a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall, as well as a sharp weight loss, which leads to a thinning of the fatty apparatus of the kidney. An important role in the occurrence of nephroptosis is also played by & nbsp; injuries that lead to displacement of the kidney from its bed.
Why the symptoms of nephroptosis depend on the degree of prolapse of the kidney
Depending on the degree of displacement of the kidney, there are three stages of nephroptosis:
- stage 1: the lower segment of the kidney is clearly palpable in the abdominal cavity on inspiration, while on exhalation the kidney returns to its physiological position;
- stage 2: when a person is in an upright position, the kidney comes out of the hypochondrium, but when the position of the body changes to a horizontal one, the kidney returns to its usual place;
- stage 3: the kidney is easily displaced into the cavity of the large and small pelvis.
The severity of the symptoms of nephroptosis depends on the stage of the pathological process, which directly affects the normal functioning of the kidneys: if in the first stage the changes are slightly pronounced, and the clinical picture may be absent, then when the disease passes to a new stage, the symptoms become more pronounced.
Symptoms of nephroptosis: clinical picture of the disease
Even the slightest increase in kidney mobility to some extent changes its hemodynamics, while creating conditions for the outflow of urine from the organ under increased pressure. But if the changes are minor, the patient may not experience any sensations and complaints for quite a long time. The first symptom of nephroptosis is often the occurrence of moderate dull pain in the lumbar region, which increases with physical activity and does not bother the patient at rest or in a horizontal position of the body. Over time, symptoms such as general weakness, loss of appetite, various intestinal disorders, weight loss and neurasthenia join. The progression of the disease leads to complications such as pyelonephritis, arterial hypertension and others. This creates a clinical picture
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