Омоложение через здоровье: чем полезно стареющей коже лечение через стимуляцию стволовых клеток

More recently, treatment associated with the impact on the stem  cells were associated in the minds of people with complex medical interventions or with semi-fantastic stories about the search for the elixir of eternal youth, which ended, as a rule, without much success. However, scientific research on the unique biological capabilities of stem cells continues, and  the application of the accumulated knowledge  is gradually becoming wider and more confident.

One of the fairly new, but already  successful directions of application of therapeutic possibilities of influencing stem cells – this is cosmetology. What is the importance of stem cells in cosmetology practice, and how their capabilities affect the choice of rejuvenation products, considered estet-portal.com.

Rejuvenation through stem cell activation: what happens to the skin

One of the causes of skin aging is considered to be a decrease in the rate of renewal of its cells and structures of the extracellular matrix. In order for the skin to continue to look young and healthy, the cells located in it must constantly divide and produce the components of the extracellular matrix: collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. However, the capabilities of the main cells of the dermis of fibroblasts are limited, and the number of divisions has a strictly defined number, among scientists this phenomenon is called – Hayflick effect.

In our skin there are stem cells that are responsible for the renewal of the cells of the dermis and epidermis.  The division of a stem cell gives life to a specialized skin cell, while the stock of stem cells practically does not change with age. Some of them are located on the basement membrane of the epidermis and are engaged in maintaining the pool of keratinocytes. Another part of them was recently found in the dermis and hypodermis  – these mesenchymal stem cells are able to differentiate  and in keratinocytes, and in other dermal cells – fibroblasts.

In order for a skin stem cell to start working actively and join the process of division, it needs a signal from the microenvironment, which notifies the body that there are few specific skin cells left, they have died. This happens, for example, with trauma, burns.  In aging skin, the number of fibroblasts is not reduced, they simply have low activity, which we see as thinning of the skin, its increased dryness, sagging, wrinkling. Accordingly, stem cells also divide slowly, since aging is not a signal for our body to renew itself.

In order for the skin stem cell to actively divide and differentiate, it is necessary to trigger the so-called signaling cascade – activate its microenvironment. This can be done by injecting a complex of signaling molecules into the skin. Such a complex is contained in Meso-Wharton P199TM

Meso-Wharton P199TM, an injectable medical preparation, presented on our market EMETTM, includes:  signaling molecules,  active cofactors of the most important biochemical reactions  and the unique, patented – Wharton Jelly Peptide P199™ polypeptide. The drug is intended for the treatment of skin suffering from reduced regenerative & nbsp; activity of its own cells, and is recommended for the treatment of age-related skin changes.

How Stem Cell Therapy Reduces Age-Related Skin Changes

Mesotherapeutic injection of Meso-Wharton P199TM  allows you to deliver directly to the environment of the skin stem cell those signal molecules that can start the mechanism of skin cell renewal, through the potentiation of tissue-specific stem cells and restore the skin to the qualities characteristic of youth .

The mechanism of action of Meso-Wharton P199TM is associated with the activation of division and differentiation of the skin stem cell, the restoration of the physiological regulation of its activity, the renewal of epidermal cells and the restoration of the components of the intercellular matrix

The implementation of all activation processes becomes possible due to the content of the unique component – a synthetic analogue of the embryonic peptide, which acts on the stem cell as a strong signaling factor. It stimulates the renewal of dermal cells, promotes the appearance of "young"  fibroblasts and, as a result, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and new full-fledged collagen fibers.

The advantages of using a synthetic analogue of the embryonic peptide is that it retains the strength of the biological action, but at the same time is not able to lead to complications, the likelihood of which is quite high when using cellular technologies. In addition to the signal peptide, Meso-Wharton P199TM contains:

  • growth factors, oligo- and polypeptides;
  • amino acids, coenzymes and other substances necessary for the most important biochemical reactions in the skin;
  • high molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

All components of the preparation presented by the company EMETTM are contained in such concentrations that their regulatory effect is complete and maximum.

What Stem Cell Treatment Benefits Aging Skin

omolozhenie-cherez-zdorove-chem-polezno-stareyushchej-kozhe-lechenie-cherez-stimulyatsiyu-stvolovykh-kletokIndications for the use of the injectable medical preparation Meso-Wharton P199TM are the prevention and treatment of age-related skin changes, as well as preparation for complex cosmetic and surgical procedures on the face, rehabilitation after facial plastic surgery, deep peelings, hardware and mechanical skin resurfacing.

The result of the introduction of the drug is an increase in the thickness of the epidermis and strengthening of its barrier properties, an increase in the number of active fibroblasts and ordered new collagen fibers.

Mesotherapeutic injection of Meso-Wharton P199TM using the papule technique, using point microinjections or linear technique, allows to achieve a significant increase in skin turgor, smoothing its micro- and macrorelief, evening out skin color, lifting facial oval, which is confirmed by the results of laboratory and clinical studies.

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